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”My Boyfriend Is Grieving And Pushing Me Away”: 5 Tips To Comfort Him

”My Boyfriend Is Grieving And Pushing Me Away”: 5 Tips To Comfort Him

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My boyfriend is grieving and pushing me away.”

If your boyfriend is grieving and pushing you away, it can be a frustrating and upsetting experience.

Do you want to know how to handle the situation?

Then, you are on the right page.

Read on to know why your boyfriend pulled away from you because of grief and what you can do to help him.

You indeed want to help him, but he keeps pushing you away.

Despite his contradicting actions, you must know that your boyfriend needs you now more than ever.

So, try not to feel hurt by his actions or take them personally.

Once you are understanding and patient and keep offering him your support every step of the way, you’ll both be okay in the end.


”My Boyfriend Is Grieving And Pushing Me Away”


Men naturally withdraw whenever they’re grieving.

As stated earlier, don’t take his actions as a personal attack.

The death of someone dear, be it a pet, friend, or parent, can give rise to many negative emotions that are hard to deal with.

Likewise, your boyfriend doesn’t know how to handle his feelings, so he pushes everyone away and isolates himself from the world.

Perhaps he thinks he needs time alone to grieve because he doesn’t want to burden you with his problems, or he’s not ready to open up to you yet.

Whatever his reasons, you must give him his space whenever he makes it clear that he needs time alone.

While you do this, you must let him know you’re always there for him whenever he needs you.


My Boyfriend Is Grieving And Pushing Me Away: How To Comfort Him

Here are some of the things you can do to comfort your grieving boyfriend:

1. Realize That He Lost A Loved One

My boyfriend is grieving and pushing me away.

It doesn’t matter if you were close to the deceased or not.

Your boyfriend needs to know that you understand his feelings and, that you’ll stand by him.



2. Be Patient With Him

My boyfriend is grieving and pushing me away.

There’s no set time for grieving.

It takes more time for some people and others. It takes less time to get over their loss and move on.

You must be patient with him as he goes through the grieving process.



3. Encourage Him To Show You How He Feels

My boyfriend is grieving and pushing me away.

Encourage your boyfriend to express his emotions.

It can be through writing, art, singing, or even talking.

He’ll get through the grieving process faster if he has an avenue to let out steam.



4. Give Him Your Support

My boyfriend is grieving and pushing me away.
Giving him your unalloyed support in this trying time is highly recommended.

Make him know you have his back and are always there for him whenever he needs you.

Be there for him if he needs a hug or wants to talk.


5. Respect His Choices As Long As They Are Not Destructive

My boyfriend is grieving and pushing me away.
Everyone has their ways of dealing with grief.

Respect whatever way your boyfriend deems fit to help him get through his grief as long as it’s not destructive behavior.

Taking all the above points into account, you need to handle your boyfriend’s situation as peculiar.

There are no two people with the same grieving process, and circumstances.

Be ready to be flexible with your reactions because you’re unsure of how he’ll react, plus you don’t know what to expect.


My Boyfriend Is Grieving And Pushing Me Away: Do I Give Him Space?

It can be difficult to keep your distance when a loved one is hurting badly.

But it’s necessary to give your boyfriend space if he’s grieving.

Realize that his pushing you away has nothing to do with you; it’s just his way of healing.

Many people, especially men, need space and time to handle their emotions the best way they deem fit.

All you can offer him is your patience, understanding, and support.

He’ll reach out and open up to you whenever he feels ready.

It’s important to be there for him when he’s ready to let you in without judging him.


My Boyfriend Is Grieving And Pushing Me Away: How Long Will It Take Him To Get Over His Grief?

The most difficult part of grieving is that there’s no set time for it.

While some people may begin to feel better after some weeks, it may take others months or even years to start coming around.

It depends on the individual and how they handle situations.

No matter how long it takes your boyfriend to grieve, the most important thing is that you’re there for him.

Although there are things you can do to help him handle his grief better, know that there’s a thin line between letting him know you’re always there for him and pressuring him to let go of his grief.

It can be hard to find a balance but when you find it, your boyfriend can come out of his grief and move on with his life.

And the beautiful part?

You’ll be there with him every step of the way.

However, suggest professional help for him if you feel that he’s suffering because of the grief.

You can get him to see a counselor who will help him with the things he needs to handle his grief healthily and finally move on from it.



It’s difficult and frustrating to know the one you love is in pain, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

It’s always a hard and trying time whenever someone important or a loved one is lost.

At this point, you’ll have to realize and accept the fact that your boyfriend may not remain the same after his loss.

Although traumatic events change us, it doesn’t always have to be for the worse.

If your boyfriend was surrounded with love, understanding, patience, and support when he was grieving, it should help strengthen him and make him stronger after the grieving process.

Also, your relationship will have a taste of positivity as your bond will be strengthened at the end of this dark time.

No one prays to grieve, but when you go through it with him, it’ll make you both stronger.

So, if your boyfriend is grieving and pushing you away, you might want to do away with the thoughts of giving up on him and your relationship.

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