”I’m in a long term relationship but have feelings for someone else…” Have you found yourself in a situation where you’re in a long-term relationship but are developing feelings for someone else? Let us talk about it. Being in a relationship makes you focus and invest your emotions in one person. Your mind is no …
I always text him first should I stop? You are with a guy you like and love to communicate with. He likes you too. Or maybe you are not even sure about this, but you believe he does. He is a great person, and you like everything about him. Well, everything except one thing: you …
“My husband loves me but not sexually. He is a good and caring man who performs his duties as a father and does excellently as a husband, except sexually. He does not have a problem with taking care of me, sending money to me, doing chores at home, and showing me love, but he does …
Are you in the ‘my boyfriend never takes me out clique?’ Is this becoming an issue in your relationship? What could be the problem? Read on to satisfy your curiosity. Perhaps you have a boyfriend whom you have been dating for quite some time. You have discovered that he has not taken you out since …
Dating apps like Tinder can be great for meeting new people, but let’s face it – not everyone on the app is looking for something real. So, as a single lady, you must know the Tinder guys to avoid. Spot a Tinder loser before you get too committed because many are looking for innocent women …
“Why is it that my boyfriend gets irritated with me easily?” When you are in a relationship, you expect your boyfriend, the love of your life, to be patient and gentle with you, even if you are sometimes annoying. But your boyfriend is the one who gets easily irritated with you. It seems he can’t …
”My son loves his wife more than me. What do I do?” You have raised your son to be a loving and responsible adult. You put in time and money and even put certain personal goals of yours on hold so that you could create space for him and give him the best life. You …