“Why am I so desperate for my boyfriend to propose? I can’t even help myself. I keep obsessing over whether my boyfriend will ever propose to me and when he will do it. I know all the ring vendors on Instagram, and I check the prices all the time. I also drop lots of hints, …
Are you wondering when to stop waiting for him to propose? When you look at the man you’re in love with, your thoughts and desire are to spend the rest of your life with him. But he’s not showing any signs of proposing to you after spending many years together and waiting patiently for him …
”My husband watches porn, and it’s ruining our marriage. What do I do?” Perhaps you only just discovered that your husband watches porn. How do you feel about the discovery? It’s okay to feel shocked, disgusted, confused, and betrayed. You’re asking yourself if you ever knew the man you’re married to. You go through the …
”My boyfriend is draining me financially!” If you’re dating a guy who is draining financially, you are in big trouble. Yes, he might be great in every other way, but he’s constantly asking for money to “help” him pay bills, buy groceries or pay off debt. If he’s not paying his way (and most of …
”My Boyfriend’s Family is Racist” You’ve seen the signs: The subtle, yet constant, jabs at your race. The way his family members roll their eyes when you walk into a room. The comments they make when they think you’re not listening. Discrimination is never easy to confront, and it can be especially challenging if you’re …
Being cheated on by someone who vowed to cherish you, love you unconditionally, and be faithful is one of the most painful experiences a person can go through. If you’re struggling with this heartache and need painful messages to a cheating husband, you are at the right place. Sending painful messages to a cheating husband …
The question “Is he afraid of commitment or just not into me?” is an essential question to ask yourself as a lady and be sure to find answers to. Some women find themselves in relationships or “situationships” with men who can’t seem to commit. Commitment is a huge responsibility that requires sticking to one person …