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Women have always wondered, ”what makes a man want to marry you?” Honestly, it can be difficult to figure out what the male gender is thinking and feeling, but one thing is certain—as people are different, so are their needs. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. What one man desires in a woman might …

Read More about What Makes a Man Want to Marry You: These 7 Things

What do you do when your boyfriend stops making an effort? If you’ve ever had that feeling of emptiness in the pit of your stomach, when you realize your boyfriend stopped making an effort to make things work with you, this article is for you. What do I do when he has stopped trying? What …

Read More about When Your Boyfriend Stops Making an Effort: Do This!

You’ve been dating him for a while now, and you wonder if or when he will propose. Any woman who wants to get married will have this question on her mind at one point or another. So, you are not desperate or needy if you are looking for signs that he will marry you someday. …

Read More about 12 Sure Signs He Will Marry You Someday: Cues to Decode His Intention

What are the signs he will never forget you when the relationship has ended and the legendary “scales” have fallen from your eyes? It is not easy for anyone whenever their relationships end, and there are bound to be very strong emotions on both ends. Whether good or bad, one can’t forget the experiences they …

Read More about 8 Sure Signs He Will Never Forget You

“Why does he text me every day if he only wants friendship?”  ”He texts me every day, why does he text me if he only wants to be friends?” You ask yourself these questions all the time. The truth is that it’s not always an easy question to answer. There can be many reasons why …


You’re in love with him, but he doesn’t seem to be showing the same level of emotion. You keep hoping and wondering if one day, the story will change, and he’ll start to develop some romantic feelings for you. Perhaps signs that the relationship will never work out are starting to pile up, and you …

Read More about If He Does These 13 Signs, He Will Never Love You