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Even though femininity has long been perceived to be synonymous with weakness and softness, women all over the world are now changing the narrative. That’s why the term ‘strong woman‘ has evolved, and it’s not going away anytime soon. But who is a strong woman? Is every woman strong? What makes a strong woman? What …

Read More about 17 Signs You Are a Strong Woman

I’m not going to assume that every man knows that they should do household chores even though we don’t live in the days when men work and women faced the home ONLY. Even though we are living in 2019, some men are still stuck in the 1980s. Or, their legs are in 2019 but their …

Read More about Sure-fire Ways to Make Your Husband Do Household Chores

Are there ways to enjoy motherhood? Like, can  one really enjoy motherhood? Because to be honest, motherhood is more work than fun. Yes, babies are cute, but taking care of these cute little ones is a whole lot of work! In the midst of so much to do within a limited time, is there time to …

Read More about 10 Simple but Amazing Ways I Enjoy Motherhood