For many people, summer is the best season for obvious reasons. The weather is not as cold and the days just look so bright and beautiful. But it is easy to waste the summer if you don’t set goals to have achieved to make the most of the season. Having said that, let’s check out …
What are the things couples should know about each other? One of the most fulfilling things to experience is getting married to your lover. That feeling of getting hitched to your number one is unmatched. It’s a special kind of feeling that should be treasured for a lifetime. As such, you must have a good …
It can be an awful feeling to think that someone you thought was interested in you is no longer interested. You might still love him, but how can you tell he’s over you for good and it’s time to move on? What are the signs he is no longer interested in you? Because, really, it …
I saw a saying some time ago and although I cannot quote it directly, I remember it is about many things in the world already trying to bring us down and we shouldn’t be one of them. I cannot overemphasise how true that is; so many external factors try to put us down daily and …
You have probably heard about the importance of the foundation of a building. If it’s not strong, it means the building is dangerous and putting it more bluntly, a death trap. It is the same way for practically anything that is built, including a relationship. What you do or do not do in a new …
S*x is a part of our lives; through it, we were formed. With s*x being at the base of our being, it is no wonder that the talk of s*x is on the lips of almost everyone, so much that even the media (communication, advertising, movies, music) continues to serenade us with sex in every …
As a young single person, there are things to have before getting married; attributes you should possess before going into marriage. You must prepare yourself for marriage before it comes if you want to have a strong marriage and be a good spouse. Some of these things may alter your outlook towards life, but it’s …