It is that time of the year; the time that we are all grateful for. Whether you enjoy shopping or not, Black Friday is a time of the year that we can all agree we are happy about because it precedes Christmas and as required of the festivities, there is just so much to …
Enjoying happiness and peace in life isn’t always automatic, it comes with making decisions. Decisions on what to do and what not to do; because life is all about decision making. Self-examination is a practice we must all engage in from time to time if we want to improve our lives. Through self-examination, I came …
Some people can relate to experiencing more bouts of mood swings than others. But something we can all relate with is life taking an unpleasant turn or just simply getting offended sometimes. And it is only natural if we get in a bad mood in those moments. But according to the 80/20 rule, life is …
Without a doubt, Michelle Obama is one of the most inspiring women of our time. Apart from being the first African American first lady of the United States, she’s a woman that exudes grace, admirable intellect, and beauty. Her book, Becoming Michelle Obama has been a best-seller since its release and it’s a great opportunity …
Women have always been the ones afraid to lose their men. This is why some men think they are doing a woman a favor by dating or marrying her. Let’s be honest; society hasn’t been exactly fair to women in their expectations of us. Women are considered incomplete without a man to call their own, …
You would think that every lady who is in a relationship would be excited to say ‘yes’ when her man pops the question. But this isn’t always the case. While men have reasons why they haven’t proposed to their women yet, women also have reasons for turning down their men’s proposals. These are the usually …