What does it really mean to marry your friend? ‘Marry your friend/best friend’ has got to be one of the relationship tips that have become cliche. While I agree that friendship is one of the essential ingredients of a successful marriage, there’s more to marriage than ‘marrying a friend’. Even more, a lot people have …
If you have read the qualities of a strong woman, then you need to know the habits of highly smart women. What makes a woman smart? Is smartness innate or developed? If you say it’s innate, that means smart women are born and not made. That would mean that anyone who isn’t born smart …
If you are single and hoping to settle down someday, going on dates is inevitable because that is how you get to know the person you are showing interest in or who is showing interest in you. But sometimes, dates don’t always turn out perfect or the way we imagine, and this could be due …
Love is a beautiful thing. We all desire to love and to be loved. But if care isn’t taken, you can be blindly in love with a loser without knowing. It happens even to the strongest of us. It’s a good thing you’re reading this blog post. You might realize you’ve been dating a loser …
It’s a pleasure to have Adenike Anderson on Supermum today. Enjoy her interview: What is your three favourite motherhood quotes? My three favourite motherhood quotes: 1. ”Pikin wey talk say him mama no go sleep, himself no go sleep” – from my Mother ? 2. ”Because I said so” – me to Daniel every time …
Even though femininity has long been perceived to be synonymous with weakness and softness, women all over the world are now changing the narrative. That’s why the term ‘strong woman‘ has evolved, and it’s not going away anytime soon. But who is a strong woman? Is every woman strong? What makes a strong woman? What …
I’m not going to assume that every man knows that they should do household chores even though we don’t live in the days when men work and women faced the home ONLY. Even though we are living in 2019, some men are still stuck in the 1980s. Or, their legs are in 2019 but their …