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9 Signs He Doesn’t Miss You After a Breakup

9 Signs He Doesn’t Miss You After a Breakup

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It’s normal to wonder if your ex misses you after a breakup.

After all, you shared many memories together, and it’s only natural to want to know if he’s thinking about you as much as you’re thinking about him.

I will give you nine signs that will definitively tell you whether or not he’s over you.

And trust me, if he’s exhibiting any of these signs, then it means he’s definitely moved on.

9 Signs He Doesn’t Miss You After a Breakup

1. He’s dating someone new

Signs He Doesn't Miss You After a Breakup

One of the best ways to tell if he misses you after a breakup is if he’s dating someone new — not just casually dating but in a serious relationship.

If he is going out with someone new and also missing you, that’s a different story.

It could be that he’s trying to fill the void that you left in his life by dating someone else.

Because some people can get into rebound relationships to forget about the pain of their previous breakup.

But if his new relationship is serious, the dude is not missing you.

He may have even moved on from the entire experience of being with you.

He wouldn’t be in a new relationship if he were still thinking about you.


2. He’s stopped all communication with you

Signs He Doesn't Miss You After a Breakup

An ex who is missing you will definitely want to keep in touch.

He may not want to get back together, but he still wants to know how you’re doing and what’s going on in your life.

But if he has completely cut off all communication with you and is no longer returning your calls or texts, it means he doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.

This is a surefire sign that he’s moved on and is trying to forget about you.


3. He’s deleted all traces of you from social media

After a breakup, some people still follow their exes on social media because they want to know what they are up to.

This is partly because they miss them and want to be catching a glimpse of their activities on social media.

So if your ex has deleted all photos of you and blocked you from his social media accounts, it means he wants to forget that you ever existed.

Even if he is not over you, deleting every trace of you from his social media accounts is an effort to make sure he doesn’t miss you.


4. He’s started hanging out with new people and doing new things

Signs He Doesn't Miss You After a Breakup

If your ex is suddenly hanging out with a new crowd and doing new things without you, it means he’s trying to find his own identity without you and creating new memories that do not include you.

If he hasn’t blocked you on social media, you might see pictures and videos of him having the time of his life alone or with others.

And you know he’s not faking it.

He looks truly happy.


5. He’s not talking about you with mutual friends

An ex who misses you will find opportune moments to talk about you with mutual friends.

He may ask how you’re doing or what you’re up to.

But if your ex is no longer talking about you with mutual friends, it means he has moved on and is no longer interested in you.

He’s found a way to forget about you.


6. He has returned all your stuff he has with him

If your ex has returned all your things he has with him, it means he wants to remove every reminder of you from his life.

And this is usually a sign that he doesn’t want to miss you even if he’s still in love with you.

Holding on to an ex’s stuff means you want to have something to remember them by.

But if he’s given everything back, it means he doesn’t miss you and doesn’t want to.


7. He asks you to return his things as well

In line with the previous point, if your ex asks you to return his things as well, it means he wants to have nothing to remind him of you.

He wants a clean break so he can move on and forget about you.


8. He’s stopped talking about the good times you had together

An ex who still misses you will definitely talk about the good times you had together when he’s feeling nostalgic.

But if your ex never talks about the good times you had together, it means he’s trying to forget those memories.

It’s easier to move on and forget about an ex when you don’t have happy memories to hold on to.

So if you are still in contact with him and he never talks about the happy times you had together, he doesn’t miss you.


9. He doesn’t engage you when you see each other physically

If you see each other in person and he doesn’t try to engage you in conversation, it means he has nothing to say to you.

He doesn’t miss you and is not interested in you anymore.

If he misses you, he will be excited, although a little sad to see you.

He will want to talk with you to know how you’re doing and what you’ve been up to.

He might even try to reminisce about the good times you had together.

But if he barely looks at you when you see each other, it means he doesn’t miss you.


People act differently after a breakup depending on how they feel about it and how attached they are to their ex, so this list is in no way exhaustive.

However, an ex who doesn’t miss you after a breakup will definitely exhibit some of these signs.

If you see several of them, it’s time to move on and forget about your ex because he has already forgotten about you.


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