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17 Signs You Are a Strong Woman

17 Signs You Are a Strong Woman

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Even though femininity has long been perceived to be synonymous with weakness and softness, women all over the world are now changing the narrative.

That’s why the term ‘strong woman‘ has evolved, and it’s not going away anytime soon.

But who is a strong woman? Is every woman strong? What makes a strong woman? What are the qualities of a strong woman? Are you a strong woman?

You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Below are 17 signs that you’re a strong woman:


1. You know what you want from life

A strong woman isn’t clueless about what she wants out of life – no matter what it is.

You are a strong woman when you know what you want from life or try to figure out what you want. 

No, it’s not what society thinks you should want. It’s what you want. Lady boss, homemaker, wife, mother, unmarried, company owner, inventor, mother of adopted children, etc. It is your choice. You have life goals and dreams to achieve.

Personally, I’ve always desired to live a passionate life, doing what I love and getting paid for it. That’s what I want from life, and I’m working towards it.

We all aren’t there yet. So, if you’re still trying to figure out what you want from life, you’re a strong woman. This means that you won’t live a confused life.


2. You know what you don’t want from life

It’s a thing to know what you want from life; it’s another thing to know what you don’t want from life.

You’d think knowing what you want is automatically knowing what you don’t want, but it’s not the same for some people.

Yes, you know the kind of job you want, but do you know the ones you don’t want?

You know the kind of man or relationship you want; do you know the ones you don’t want?

A strong woman knows what she wants and doesn’t want from life.


3. You own up to your mistakes, and you’ve moved on or trying to move on

A strong woman isn’t a perfect woman.

You know that life isn’t black and white; you’ve made your own share of mistakes, BUT you don’t deny them.

You own up to your mistakes and move on (or you’re trying to move on).

You don’t wallow in guilt for your past mistakes.

You would rather learn from them and work on yourself to prevent repeating such mistakes.

You know the beauty of this?

No one can shame you for the mistakes you already owned up to!


4. Your self-identity is not dependent on material things

A strong woman doesn’t define herself by what she has or doesn’t have because material things are temporal and subject to change.

While it’s absolutely good to be able to afford the good things of life, a strong woman doesn’t let her self-identity come from her designer clothes, shoes, or even cars. Stuff doesn’t define you.

And not having them doesn’t define you as well.

A strong woman knows that just being herself is enough and amazing.

Her faith, gifts, talents, intellect, and personality define her because these are things that can never change or be taken away from her by anyone.


5. You take personal development seriously

Strong women understand the importance of personal development, so they are always looking out for ways to be better in every life aspect.

They read in order to stay informed; they take courses when necessary; they ask questions from those who know better; they have role models they can learn from. 

Strong women never stay the same.

They always want to be better.


6. You’re reasonably opinionated

A strong woman has opinions and is not afraid to air them. You don’t form your opinions to please or impress anyone, especially society.

Also, you are open-minded and reasonable enough to know when your opinions are faulty, and you’re ready to adjust.

A strong woman is humble enough to learn from others and accommodate other people’s opinions.


7. You are good at what you do

Strong women know their onions.

They are good at what they do.

They don’t do low-quality jobs.

They are constantly trying to improve their skills in order to stay on top of their game.


8. You don’t let yourself be treated like trash in a relationship

A strong woman has self-worth and doesn’t tolerate being treated like trash in the name of love.

You love fiercely but with sense.

You love yourself and are willing to walk away from anyone who treats you lesser than you deserve.


9. You seek help when necessary

strong woman quotes
A strong woman understands that no one is an island. She understands the importance of having a support system in life; thus, she builds a solid support system and seeks help when needed.

A strong woman is not too proud to seek help.


10. You don’t put your financial security in the hands of another

A strong woman is one who understands that a man is not a financial plan. You are making your own money or working towards making your own money because you know that financial independence is the key to a woman’s financial security.  

Even if you are a stay-at-home mum by agreement with your husband but have a little money of your own by agreement, you are still a strong woman.

It takes a strong woman to be a stay-at-home mum. Just make sure you have something you can call your own. And if you are running a family joint account, it’s all good.


11. You are intentional about your relationships

A strong woman understands that she can not be better than her relationships, so she is intentional about who to be friends with and the men to allow into her heart.

As a strong woman, you can’t be careless when it comes to friendship and romantic relationships.

You choose your friends carefully; your friends don’t choose you.

You choose your men carefully, and you don’t open the gate of your heart to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that shows interest in you.

You understand that people can either make or mar you.

12. You take responsibility for your sexual life

As a strong woman, you don’t share your cookie with every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

You don’t end up with a baby whose father you do not know or whose father doesn’t want to take responsibility for.

I’m not trying to blame you for the irresponsibility of a deadbeat dad. I’m not also trying to blame you for being unlucky with a man.

I’m just saying that you should take responsibility for your sexual life and not leave it to chance or to a man because a man doesn’t get pregnant.

I’m tired of receiving messages from ladies who get pregnant and the fathers refusing to take responsibility.

They ask me what they should do.

And I ask them why they should have unprotected sex with a man they’re not married to.

In fact, even if you are married, you should still take precautions because it’s your body. 

Having a baby is a serious decision you must make with the whole of your heart.

It’s something you should be prepared for because, I tell you what, a baby changes your life COMPLETELY.

I am about nine months old in this motherhood thing, and I can tell you it’s not a walk in the park.


13. You understand your strengths and weaknesses

You understand that being a strong woman isn’t about being perfect.

You know your flaws and your strengths.

Not only that, but you are also working on your weaknesses and maximizing your strengths.

You also tolerate other people’s weaknesses because you understand that no one is perfect. 


14. You don’t give up

strong woman quotes
You are a strong woman when you don’t give up, no matter what life throws at you – losses, disappointments, heartbreak, stress, divorce, special needs child, sicknesses, poverty, betrayals, pain, etc.

You rise above them all. 

Yes, you cry and grieve.

You are weak and down, but you never stay down.

You pick yourself up and continue to press on toward your life goals.

This is a great sign of a strong woman!


15. You don’t take no for an answer 

A strong woman doesn’t take no for an answer. You don’t wallow in self-defeat. You don’t tell yourself that you can’t do it.

You may doubt yourself and have your fears, but you don’t let them stop you. 

A strong woman understands that courage is doing it afraid.


16. You don’t compete with, look down on, or put down other women

strong women quotes and signs
A strong woman doesn’t derive her identity and power from putting down other women.

She doesn’t compare herself with other women.

You see other women as sisters, and you look out for them.

You are actively involved in the ‘women helping women’ movement.


17. You have a source of strength

strong woman quotes
Last but not least, a strong woman understands that human strength is limited.

You connect yourself to the source of unending and unfailing strength – God.

Divine strength is the source of the strength of a strong woman. God is the secret of a strong woman.

strong woman quotes

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Sabrina Reddington

Tuesday 9th of July 2024

Very good! I don't compete with anyone!all I want is confidence and happiness. This is all I expect in life


Saturday 20th of April 2024

This came at a perfect time as I was reading this article I was ticking off the boxes and I am pleased to say that I didn't miss one I'm such a strong women thank you for giving me the reminder I so badly needed at the perfect time of my life, you just ripped that self dought that was creeping in thank you once again.


Wednesday 1st of May 2024

@Mabel's Blog, I am proud of myself, I hit every mark!

Mabel's Blog

Sunday 21st of April 2024

So glad to hear this!

Oma hanacho

Monday 11th of January 2021

Nice write up! Reading this, I have to set up my game. Thanks for inspiring me 😘

Mabel's Blog

Monday 11th of January 2021

Awww. I'm glad you were inspired!

Proud mom at 18

Sunday 27th of September 2020

If a woman gets pregnant, whatever the circumstances may be, and she chooses life but she does every thing possible to make sure her child has the best life possible, than that’s strength. I do not agree with your comment about shaming a woman if you get pregnant and it is not your husband. Of course, things happen, you live in the moment. Whatever the case is. But owning it and being responsible and learning from your actions is a feat in itself. Being a good mother is stronger than being a mother who isn’t mentally present but happens to have a husband. It’s not so black and white like you are making it to be.


Sunday 27th of September 2020

Hmmm. I agree with some of your points but I think you also misunderstood some of my points. I'm not shaming women who have kids without a husband. I'll never do that. While it's okay to live in the moment, a strong woman is also conscious of the consequences of her actions. I'm only encouraging women to do better and not become victims of avoidable circumstances.


Tuesday 12th of November 2019

I appreciate you writing this well-thought-through piece.

Motherhood has certainly made me a strong woman and I am so happy to say that I can put a tick next to all those 17 signs.

As I always like to say, suffering is a necessary hardship if one is to build character.

Peace be with you.


Tuesday 12th of November 2019

"Suffering is a necessary hardship if one is to build character."

That's profound!

You're right about motherhood making one strong.

Motherhood brings out the strength you never thought you had.