I saw a saying some time ago and although I cannot quote it directly, I remember it is about many things in the world already trying to bring us down and we shouldn’t be one of them.
I cannot overemphasise how true that is; so many external factors try to put us down daily and the least you can do for yourself is to be kind to yourself.
You cannot afford to wait for others to affirm you; you need to speak high-value affirmations to women into your life.
Having said that, what are positive affirmations? They are positive words you speak into your life to encourage yourself and get rid of all negative thoughts and feelings.
The reason there is a need for positive affirmations for women is that women, culturally, can get so immersed in taking care of others that they forget themselves.
Nobody can take care of you better than you. So, as a woman, you need daily positive affirmations for women to remind yourself every day that you matter.
In case you don’t know where to start from, not to worry, below is a collection of powerful female affirmations for self-love to help you realise that you matter.
Positive Affirmations for Black Women

1. I am a strong, black and independent woman.
2. I am responsible for my own happiness and growth.
3. I’m not ashamed of my background or culture; they made me the woman I am today.
4. I am a black woman and I am entitled to every good and spicy thing that life has to offer.
5. I choose myself and everything about me, over and over again.
6. I put myself first; my mental health is top priority.
7. I have all that it takes to bring about change(s) in my immediate environment and the world at large.
8. I exhale confidence; I carry out my activities with certainty and expertise.
9. I believe in myself, I leave no room for self-doubt and self-questioning.
10. I don’t look for validation elsewhere, I am my own cheerleader.
11. I am a black, unique woman and I won’t be demure just to fit into society’s box.
12. I am a black, evolving woman: I get better by the day.
13. I love my body but that’s not the only thing beautiful about me: I have a beautiful mind, capable of creating beauty and changing the world.
14. I have a positive outlook and mindset on life, I refuse to allow societal image dictate who I am, what I do and what I become.
15. I can achieve anything I set my mind to achieve.
16. I am open to people and resources that will aid my growth and help in achieving my dreams.
17. I choose to live a rich and fulfilling life, not only in terms of wealth/money but in doing rewarding and fulfilling things.
18. I am intent about my happiness and well-being even as I am about other people’s happiness and well-being.
19. I am open to diverse possibilities of making money, fulfilling passion and impacting lives.
20. I do not jeopardize my happiness, health and safety even as I extend the same to those around me (family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, etc).
Positive Affirmation for Self-Esteem
21. Today, I choose myself over anything, anybody or any situation.
22. Today, I guard my mental space jealously, leaving no room for hurt or depletion.
23. I am a strong woman with valid feelings and opinions, therefore I express myself today.
24. As I step out today, I achieve all I have set out to do, nothing stops me from winning.
25. I have a sound mind capable of making logical and sound decisions.
26. Today, the best version of me comes alive; I leave no room for double-guessing myself.
27. I believe in myself; in my dreams, goals, aspirations and plans. They are valid and they belong to me.
28. I am not a walk-over, I am not to be ignored or put aside. I am a force to be reckon with.
29. I am capable of doing all that I have in mind to do. I possess the right skills and expertise and put them to good use today.
30. I am my own best company! I am the best cheerleader, critic, encourager, and appraiser I can ever have.
31. I do not allow people’s unconstructive criticism and/or demeaning words to get to me and determine my mood all day.
32. I am more than what people see, I have so much goodness in me.
33. Like the phoenix, I rise and swirl in the sky of endless possibilities and like the eagle, I soar higher and higher until I attain my goals. I carve my niche in any field or area that holds my interest.
34. I am a love being; I am capable of giving and receiving love.
35. I am not a minority in my race, I am not lesser than my peers, I succeed and thrive in all aspect of my life.
36. Today, I step out of my comfort zone and explore all that life has to offer.
37. Today, I will be happy; enjoy my work, have fun with loved ones and end the day satisfied.
38. Today, I remain positive regardless of whatever challenges I face.
39. Today, I refuse to cower or be ignored, my opinion counts in all my relationships.
40. I am comfortable in my own skin, I won it and I live it!
Positive Affirmations for a Woman Feeling Defeated

41. Today, I’m alive, grateful to be alive and allow myself feel joy and happiness.
42. I experience peace and bliss today, nothing will disturb my peace of mind.
43. Today, I allow myself grow and explore; I won’t be bound any longer by self-pity.
44. I rise from the ashes of words that scars and pull me down; I soar above negativity and reach for my happiness.
45. I adorn myself with the cloak of strength, confidence and positivity.
46. I release the hurts and pains I’ve kept for so long, I recognize that every circumstance is an opportunity for learning and growing.
47. I am not influenced anymore by my past mistakes; they don’t define me any longer.
48. I choose calmness in any situation I find myself today.
49. Today, I am strong, purposeful, determined and healthy.
50. I carry on today with a positive mindset and my expectations will be met.
51. I open the door of my heart to love once more; I allow healthy people into my space.
52. I am full of life and vigor, nothing dies in my hands.
53. I give myself the chance to pause and take a rest, I take care of myself.
54. I live each day with faith and grace and great expectancy.
55. The elements of the universe work in my favour today.
56. I make the right decisions today; I won’t be clumsy or bereft of ideas.
57. I communicate expressly my needs and feelings to those around me, my opinions count for something.
58. I acknowledge that this situation is temporary, better days are around the corner for me.
59. I am in control of my emotions, I dictate the pace of my activities and I determine to leave toxic environments.
60. I deserve an amazing, vibrant and beautiful life, therefore I work towards having those and more.
Positive Affirmations for Women’s Health

61. My body is important to me, I take good care of my body.
62. I am rejuvenated, restored and back to my healthy self.
63. My mental health is as important as my physical health, therefore I guard both jealously.
64. I eat foods that will help enhance my health, I am conscious of what goes into my body.
65. I maintain good health even as I get older. I do not ignore my body’s call for help.
66. I am intentional about my diet; I regulate my intake of food.
67. I set goals to help maintain my healthy body; I have the energy and motivation needed to push through.
68. I love to feel fit and healthy. I eat when due and exercise when due.
69. I am mindful of my weight, I choose to keep it healthy.
70. I am intentional about going for checkups regularly, I give my body a chance to heal quickly in an event of sickness or disease.
71. With each passing day, I get better at taking care of myself.
72. I commit myself to learning and exploring new ways of taking care of my health.
73. I am intentional about drinking sufficient water and eating nutritious food for the day.
74. Every day is a new chance and opportunity for me to be actively involved in keeping myself strong and healthy.
75. My body is blessed with vigour and renewed strength, good health is mine.
76. My mental health is of great importance to me, therefore, I forgive those who have hurt me and release the pains from my heart.
77. I acknowledge that the body I have is entrusted in my care, therefore, I take care of it to the best of my knowledge.
78. I am free of all kinds of sickness and diseases; my body is not home to them.
79. I treat my body as a temple, I clean it, keep it tidy and in shape.
80. My body is me, I am my body, I take care of my body, I take care of me.
Positive Affirmations for Self-Love
81. Today, unexpected joy comes my way, I am met with great opportunities and I glow with love from others.
82. I have full control over the decisions I make, I set the pace and chart my destiny.
83. I am not deterred by life’s difficulties; I push on till I get what I want.
84. I invest in myself, in things that make me happy, fulfilled and content.
85. I possess a healthy body, a sound mind, a blissful heart, a creative brain and a tranquil soul.
86. Every day, I receive a brand new cycle of positivity and optimism.
87. I am aware of my self-worth, I am valued and rated.
88. My confidence soars by the day, I stand my own in the midst of a crowd.
89. I do not cower or diminish myself, I stand tall and proud.
90. I call forth my dreams into reality, the universe works in my favour.
91. I find peace within me, circumstances around me do not determine my peace.
92. I celebrate my feats and accomplishments, I push for more.
93. I am a power house; I exude all good things of life.
94. I promise to give myself nothing but the best, this is what I deserve!
95. I am entitled to beautiful and healthy relationships.
96. I choose to be bubbly, loving, kind and compassionate always.
97. I choose to root for my own happiness every time, cheer myself any time I feel low.
98. I succeed always! I am not a failure; I continue trying until I attain perfection.
99. I am a beautiful being, inside out! Anyone who has me in their life is truly blessed.
100. I am never stranded of people, materials and resources; all I need comes to me in season.
Positive Affirmations for Moms
101. I am a great mother, I am allowed to learn on the job.
102. I trust the decisions I make for my children, I don’t second-guess myself.
103. I take care of my body and soul even as I give great care to my family.
104. I allow myself do at least, one activity in a day that is only centred on me.
105. I will be a friend to my children, I’ll trust them to make healthy decisions as I guide them.
106. I acknowledge that I am not perfect; therefore, I’m allowed to make mistakes and learn from them.
107. I have everything I need to nurture and care for my child.
108. I connect easily to my child, I shower my child with love and care.
109. No matter how chaotic my day is, I find time to relax and play with my kids.
110. I shower my child with attention and I listen actively without discarding their feelings.
111. My family loves and appreciates me, even in times they don’t say so.
112. I am the exact person my child needs, therefore, I make myself present and available in my child’s life.
113. I’ve been given the best gift on planet earth – motherhood, I therefore make the best of every moment with my child.
114. I possess the courage I need to make the tough decisions that comes with motherhood.
115. My body after becoming a mother is beautiful, I accept it.
116. I model a good and godly person to my children, I do what I want them to do and not just say.
117. I acknowledge that motherhood has its high and low moments and therefore understand that it doesn’t mean I don’t love being a mom.
118. I respect my children’s opinions and feelings and teach them the importance of respecting other people as well.
119. I accept that motherhood is part of who I am, not all that I am, therefore, I pay attention to other aspects of my life.
120. My confidence as a mother increases as the day comes and goes, my family love, honour, praise and respect me.
Positive Affirmations for Success
121. I believe in myself, that’s all I need to succeed.
122. I make use of all situations; even the bad ones are stepping stones to success and learning curves.
123. I am the architect of my life; I choose the design I want, I establish the foundation and determine what goes into it.
124. To succeed, I need people, therefore, I am intentional about building healthy relationships and networking with those who can play a pivotal role even as I contribute positively to the success of others.
125. I have the power to overcome obstacles and challenges that presents themselves, they only challenge me to be the best version of myself.
126. I promise to do a self-evaluation from time to time, do away with habits that might impede my success and take up new, positive ones.
127. I have boundless energy to go through the day with its many shades.
128. I love who I am! I accept my limits and enhance my skills and expertise.
129. I am open to opportunities even as they are channeled my way.
130. I can attain any height in my career, as long as I want to and work towards it.
131. I am thankful for all I have and will achieve and recognize the role others played in it.
132. I am prepared to take logical risks.
133. I am poised for opportunities; I develop myself at every stage of my life.
134. No matter how tough the going gets, I will never give up on my dreams and aspirations.
135. I am a resourceful person; I help others on their path to success.
136. I allow myself to prosper and thrive, to break limits and boundaries and rise above societal construct.
137. Even as I channel my energy towards productive things, my environment favours me.
138. Whatever it may cost, I will succeed.
139. I will earn my success in a legitimate way. I will not defraud or hurt anyone in a bid to succeed.
140. Today will go down in record as another successful day.
Positive Affirmations for Women Leaving Violent Men
141. I am a survivor! That counts a lot.
142. I have been through hell and I stand scarred but alive and strong.
143. I do not allow a man determine my joy and happiness, I am a strong woman.
144. I am not made to be lashed at, violated and abused; I’m a woman of worth.
145. I have left a toxic relationship, I can overcome anything in life!
146. I have strength to push through, survive and thrive all by myself.
147. It is okay to be vulnerable but I won’t allow a man use that to his advantage again!
148. I can do beautiful, awesome and amazing things with my life.
149. I allow myself to heal and forgive.
150. I seek support and assistance to deal with the traumatic event.
151. My strength is my power, I bask in it and it can’t be taken from me.
152. I empower myself, I feed, clothe and house myself.
153. I do much more than a man’s perception of whom I should be.
154. From today, I take actions and decisions that put me at the forefront.
155. I have the right to not be abused, I have the right to be respected.
156. I have a strong will, grit and determination that empowers me not to go back to a toxic person.
157. I won’t allow threats or bullying to get to me but will protect myself with all resources I can access.
158. I allow myself to break down and cry sometimes but I also recognize and channel my inner strength during my weak moments.
159. I will never give up, I will continue to pursue my joy and happiness.
160. I will always matter to myself, I will always acknowledge my worth and value and promote them.
Well, there you have it; 160 positive affirmations for women. Now, you have no excuse; start today affirming yourself and challenging all those doubts in your mind that are convincing you that you are undeserving of the best in life.

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