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18 Signs You Are Dating a Loser and a Time Waster

18 Signs You Are Dating a Loser and a Time Waster

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Love is a beautiful thing.

We all desire to love and to be loved.

But if care isn’t taken, you can be blindly in love with a loser without knowing.

It happens even to the strongest of us.

It’s a good thing you’re reading this blog post.

You might realize you’ve been dating a loser without knowing it.

Who is a loser?

What are the signs that you’re dating a loser?

Find them below:

18 Signs You’re Dating a Loser

1. He brings nothing to the table (except sex, maybe)

Relationship is a partnership thing, it shouldn’t be parasitic, it should be symbiotic.

You should be benefiting from each other and contributing positively to each other’s life.

A loser brings nothing to the table and isn’t adding anything positive to your life except frequent trips to orgasmic cloud nine.

If that’s all you want in a relationship, I guess it’s a win for you as well.

But if you want more, and you are the ONLY one funding the relationship and ensuring that things go well, then you might be dating a loser.


2. He has no future ambition

A loser has no future ambition.

Or, to be fair to him, he has pipeline dreams.

His dreams are so big that he doesn’t want to start small.

He has an exaggerated opinion of himself and thinks he’s too big to be involved in small projects.

You might already be funding his big plans without any results to show for them.

He’s always talking about one business or the other and the big profits and rewards.

But when it comes down to actually doing something, he’s all talk and no action. 

He’s too lazy to put in the work and is always looking for shortcuts.

This lack of ambition and drive is a major red flag in a relationship, as it shows that he may not be capable of providing for himself or you in the long run.


3. He thinks he’s doing you a favor by dating you

While it’s good to have a healthy dose of self-confidence, our dear brother here takes it to a whole other level.

He believes that by dating you, he’s doing you a favor and elevating your social status.

He thinks relationship is meant for ladies, so you’re privileged to have him.

That is why he’ll leave you to see to the running of the relationship. 

He’ll expect you to do all the planning and make all the efforts while he sits back and enjoys the ride.


4. He uses the marriage promise to get things from you

Because he thinks you need a relationship or marriage, he’ll keep promising you marriage so that he can continue benefiting from you.

He’s aware of your desire to get married and have a family, so he’ll use it to his advantage.

He’ll make empty promises and manipulate you emotionally to get what he wants.

You might hear him say, ”I can see us getting married in the future.”

”What kind of wedding do you want?”

”I’ll make sure we have the perfect life together.”

”Look at my wife!”

But in reality, he has no intention of actually following through with these promises.

He just wants to keep you hooked and invested in the relationship so that he can continue taking advantage of you.

He can get money from you, use your car(s), or even live in your apartment.

Don’t fall for his empty promises, and be careful not to give in to his demands just because he mentions marriage.


5. He has no plan for you or for the relationship

A loser doesn’t know the fate of your relationship.

He has no idea where it is going or what he wants from it.

He doesn’t have a plan for the future, and if you ask him about it, he’ll give vague and evasive answers.

This is because he’s only focused on himself and his own needs, not yours or the relationship’s.

Someone who doesn’t have plans for himself; how can he have plans for you?

Well, he might plan to marry you so that you can shoulder the responsibilities of the marriage.

He has plans, after all. lol


6. He feels entitled

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Not only does a loser not bring anything to the table, but he’s never grateful for the effort you put into the relationship.

He expects you to do everything for him without showing any appreciation or gratitude.

You may often hear phrases like, “Well, that’s what a girlfriend/wife is supposed to do,” or “You owe me this because I did this for you.”

He thinks he deserves it because he’s doing you a favor by dating you.

He expects you to drop everything for him, even when it inconveniences you.

And when you don’t, he gets angry and throws a fit, making you feel guilty for not fulfilling his entitled expectations. 


7. He’s selfish

A loser only cares about himself.

The relationship revolves around him and him only.

He doesn’t care about you, or he pretends to care.

He finds it difficult to make compromises for your sake or for the relationship.

He rarely goes out of his way for you except, of course, there are attached benefits.


8. He’s insecure and jealous

A loser is usually suspicious and jealous.

What do you expect?

He’s insecure because he has nothing to offer.

He fears that you’ll find another man who is worthy of you and that he’ll lose you to him.

He might even be obsessed with you, whereas you think he’s just being in love with you.


9. He’s usually handsome and is obsessed with his looks

when a guy kisses you unexpectedly

A loser might be a typical fine guy whose only treasure is his looks, so he doesn’t joke with his physical appearance.

Because that’s the only thing he has got to his name.

He cares more than necessary about how he looks and what he wears because that’s the bait he uses to catch unsuspecting ladies. 

He spends hours grooming himself and often boasts about his looks and attractiveness. 

But deep down, he is insecure and uses his appearance as a mask to hide his true self. 

A loser will always prioritize their external appearance over their internal qualities because they lack substance and depth within themselves.

Because of his good looks, he expects you to worship the ground he walks on and give him special treatment.


10. He doesn’t want to meet with important people in your life

A loser wouldn’t want to meet with your friends and family because he has nothing to boast of.

He fears that your loved ones might see him for who he really is and discourage you from dating him. 

He also doesn’t want to make an effort to get to know the important people in your life because he is not invested in a long-term relationship.

Instead, he would rather keep you isolated and under his control.


11. He never takes responsibility

One of the marks of adulthood is taking responsibility for your actions.

Even though people say adulthood is tough, I love being an adult because it gives me the freedom to make my own decisions and take responsibility for them.

But a loser never takes responsibility for his actions. 

He always blames others or makes excuses for his behavior. 

He’ll blame everyone but himself for his lack of success or for any issues in the relationship. 

So, don’t be surprised if you are always the one apologizing or trying to fix things while he remains blameless. 

This is a clear sign that he is not mature enough for a healthy relationship.


13. He is manipulative 

Losers are masters of manipulation.

They know how to twist words, guilt-trip, and use emotional blackmail to get what they want.

They will make you feel like everything is your fault and that you are the one causing problems in the relationship.

Yet it’s their own toxic behavior that is causing issues. 


14. He has a history of failed relationships 

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Take a look at his dating history. 

Does he have a string of exes who all ended things abruptly and with drama?  

I’m sure he would have told you all his exes were  “crazy” or “just didn’t understand him.” 

But the common denominator in all those failed relationships is him. 

If he can’t maintain a healthy and stable relationship, it’s likely because he has toxic qualities that drive people away.


15. He is financially irresponsible 

Losers often struggle with money management.

They may be unemployed, in debt, or constantly asking to borrow money from others. 

They may also have a tendency to spend money impulsively without considering the consequences. 

You know it’s easier to spend recklessly money that you didn’t work for. 

A person who can’t manage their own finances is not someone you want to build a future with. 

You’ll constantly be stressed and worried about how they are handling money and if they will ever contribute equally to the relationship.


16. He doesn’t have a mind of his own

A loser cannot make decisions on his own.

He’s always seeking and taking his parents’ or friends’ opinions.

He doesn’t even regard your own opinions.

Third parties’ opinions are of greater value to him.


17. He loves fun and more fun

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A loser loves fun more than his own life.

His life purpose is to have fun.

He’s always alive to fun activities, but never will he take his life that seriously.

Yes, you should enjoy life, but not at the expense of neglecting your responsibilities and goals.

There should be a balance.


18. He has bad habits

A loser may have bad habits such as substance abuse.

Since he stands for nothing, he falls for anything.

Anything goes with him. He has no standards or morals.

If you can relate to these signs, then you should know what to do because only you know what you want.

Ask yourself if this is what you want.

Is it?

Sharing is caring!


Monday 12th of December 2022

Loser ends, older, sick, alone and poor, never learn or grow . Loser don’t think that is an adult.


Sunday 14th of February 2021

a loser is someone who cannot make things happen and /or is waiting for the 'right time' for the things to happen. I remember dating an unemployed loser who was waiting on the 'right' people to contact him to offer a lucrative job. He was so full of himself and arrogant that no one wanted to deal with him in the end. It is like the whole world owes them. Wow. The same with dating and relationships. They won't take a lead and won't make things happen with a woman. It is always empty promises, sometimes for years ( if you let them). Losers are very frustrating to date.

Venecia Phillip

Monday 15th of March 2021

All of them s sounds like a narcissistic man.

Mabel's Blog

Tuesday 16th of February 2021

Hmmmm. So so frustrating! No one deserves that kind of frustration.