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Mabel's Blog

Knowing how to speak in public is crucial to developing your confidence and personal brand. People will respect you more if they perceive you to be smart. People will want to work with you or have something to do with you if you seem intelligent.⁣ Even in the dating scene, people who appear smart are more attractive and …

Read More about 7 Ways to Sound Smarter When Talking to People

You meet this guy.  Everything is going fine or has the potential to go well until you both hit the bed.  While you think things should get even better, it gets worse instead because he stopped calling and chasing you.  You keep wondering what happened.  Oh well, here’s probably what happened: 1. All he wanted …

Read More about Why He Loses Interest after Sex : 3 Real Reasons

Let’s be honest, being celibate is easy when you are single but can be the most difficult thing when you are in a relationship. Here you are with the love of your life, who you are emotionally and physically attracted to but you cannot act on your urges because you are being celibate.  So, I …

Read More about What I Learnt from Being Celibate in my Relationship

Married life, especially with kids, isn’t a walk in the park. The stress of working to make ends meet and even raising a family in itself could send a couple’s sex life into a downward spiral. So, yes, stress from work and raising kids are two major reasons most couples no longer enjoy getting physically …

Read More about 6 Benefits of Morning Sex You’d Wish You Knew Earlier

People date for different reasons. I get it. It’d be wrong to assume that everyone dates for love. So, yes, some people date for the sole purpose of physical intimacy. If this is why you’re in a relationship, you can’t stop reading here. No hard feelings. But if you want a relationship where you want …

Read More about How to Know if He’s Using You to Catch Fun