Long-distance relationships are challenging and require more effort than other relationships. For many people, long-distance relationships work well, and the relationship thrives. Unfortunately for others, the reverse is the case since the relationship must end for one reason or another. If you feel tired of your long-distance relationship, experience irreconcilable issues, and want to end …
At some point in life, you might meet someone who is a breath of fresh air. But if that person is your colleague at work, takes up space in your head, and creates a gap between you and your partner, it is one of the signs of emotional affairs at work. An emotional affair is …
So you’ve been trying to get a girl to like you for a while now, and she keeps turning you down. You’ve tried everything in the book. You asked her out, took her on a picnic in the park, and invited her to your birthday party, but she was still uninterested. You got tired and …
How to break the silence in a relationship after a fight? Fights, misunderstandings, and arguments are usual incidents in all relationships, including the ones we share with family, same-sex friends, and the opposite sex. The romantic relationships we share with our partners are on this list too. While some misunderstandings and fights are minor and …
As humans, hurting each other is inevitable because of our imperfections, flaws, and different views of life. If you have offended someone around you or even a person you love, you have not done anything out of the usual. Everyone has done that at some point or the other. However, the gravity and magnitude of …
Although pregnancy can be beautiful, it is also a stressful and complicated journey, which sometimes changes people and relationships forever. For many people, pregnancy is a time full of joy and hope for the future, but no one can deny the responsibilities that come with it. As much as a woman may expect her partner …
If you are beating yourself up and asking yourself, “Why do I want to get married so badly?”, we are glad to inform you that nothing is wrong with you. Being obsessed over marriage is quite common and normal. Almost everyone loves marriage and smiles when they see cute young couples or even old couples …