What single dads look for in a woman A single dad is an unmarried man with children. They vary from men who have never been married to men who, through death or divorce, have lost their wives but still want to find love again. These kinds of men tend to look for long-term relationships rather …
What are the signs of a desperate woman in a relationship? Desperation stinks! It puts everybody off, including relationship partners. Nobody likes a desperate person, whether a man or a woman. However, it is worse for women because they can be taken for granted by men when they show signs of desperation. When a man …
”Everyone hates me because of my past.” If this is your situation, you’re not alone. People abruptly cancel outing plans daily, confident they’ve only been invited to the outings out of pity. You scrutinize every break in conversations and ruminate over every word to find proof that you must have said something to mess up …
Are you wondering what to do if your wife yells at you? Hold up! Do you mean that your wife yells at you and keeps repeating it despite you talking to her about it? It is normal for couples in relationships to have arguments over different issues; this is what we call ‘difference of opinions’. …
Do you constantly argue and fight with your spouse whenever you try to communicate? Are you always fighting and bickering at each other for the littlest to the biggest things? This article is for you. Effective communication is the fuel for every good relationship, and it’s important to learn how to communicate with your spouse …
What makes a man afraid of commitment? The fear of commitment is one of the common reasons men don’t want to be in relationships. And it’s one of the biggest problems women face in today’s dating world. There are many reasons men fear commitment. Some of these reasons are valid, while others are based on …
No matter how much you love your child’s father, it can be hard to get over the fact that he is no longer in love with you. But if you want to move on with your life, it’s time to start looking for signs your baby daddy is over you. Yes, you’re the mother of …