As if it’s not devasting enough that your boyfriend cheated on you, you are angry with yourself that you still love him. You may be feeling conflicted, hurt, and unsure of what to do next. On one hand, you have all of these strong emotions telling you to leave him and never look back. On …
The first anniversary is a special milestone in any marriage. It’s a time to reflect on the past year and celebrate all you’ve accomplished together. It’s also a time to look ahead to the future and make plans for the years to come. For many couples, the first anniversary is a time to exchange heartfelt …
Dating a gamer is like dating anyone else, except for the whole “gaming” thing. Dating a gamer can be weird, but it’s also awesome. In the same way that you don’t have to be an artist or an athlete to date someone who is, you don’t have to be a gamer to date someone who …
Nobody loves to be taken for granted, but taking someone for granted is very easy. When people are always available to us no matter how we behave, it is very easy to take them for granted. Sometimes, it is unintentional, and other times, it is very intentional. But whether it is deliberate or not, it …
Being cheated on is one of the most difficult experiences you can go through. Understandably, you might find yourself feeling hurt, angry, and betrayed. It’s natural to want to try to make sense of what happened and figure out what you could have done differently. However, overthinking the situation will only make you feel worse. …
A red flag is a sign that something is not right, something that should make you think twice before proceeding with a relationship. Long-distance relationships have unique challenges that are not present in close relationships. So there are certain red flags that may indicate that a long-distance relationship is not right for you. Some of …
When you find yourself in the difficult position of having cheated on your partner and keeping it from them, it can be hard to know how to forgive yourself for what you have done. After all, there is often a sense of shame and guilt that accompanies such actions, and it can feel like there …