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7 Clear Signs He is Not Sorry For Hurting You

7 Clear Signs He is Not Sorry For Hurting You

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When you begin to see signs he is not sorry for hurting you, there is a big problem in your relationship.

We all make mistakes because we are humans.

It is natural to step on people’s toes and offend them, even our partners.

In fact, people in relationships are more likely to offend each other more often than others simply because they spend the most time together.

More so, you only get offended and hurt when the person who hurt you means a lot to you.

You’re likely to take it like a pinch of salt if a stranger insults you, but the case would be different if someone you love did the same to you.

So, it is normal for little hurts and offense here and there to occur in a relationship.

However, they shouldn’t be too frequent, and when they occur, there should be remorse and apology from the person who’s at fault.

Therefore, it goes without saying that if you see signs that he is not sorry for hurting you, something is very wrong.

Hurts are bad enough.

Getting hurt by a nonchalant and uncaring guy is even worse.

You may be wondering, “What are the signs he is not sorry for hurting you?”

You’re in the right place because this article gives you 7 sure signs.

7 Signs He is Not Sorry For Hurting You

1) He never apologizes

Signs He is Not Sorry For Hurting You

The most obvious of the signs he is not sorry for hurting you is that he does not say the word “sorry.”

He finds it difficult to genuinely mouth the words “I am sorry.”

You may have created all versions of excuses for him in the past.

“It’s the male ego.”

“He apologizes in other ways” and other similar lies.

We’re here to tell you what it actually is: He is not sorry!

While ego could be part of the reasons he does not apologize, a responsible man knows to immediately put his ego aside when he hurts his woman.

So, if he treats you in an unacceptable way or does something very wrong to you and fails to apologize, you know for sure that he is not sorry for hurting you.


2) His apology is not heartfelt

A man can apologize and still not be sorry for hurting you.

It is absolutely possible.

An apology starts with the words but doesn’t end there; the actions also matter.

A genuine apology shows in the choice of words used.

Saying, “I’m really sorry I hurt you. I didn’t mean to. Please forgive me, and I’ll ensure it doesn’t happen again,” is different from saying, “If that’s how you feel, sorry.”

There is a clear difference between a genuine heartfelt apology and a careless one.

You can discern the intention from words, body language, and actions.

A man who’s genuinely sorry for hurting you will do his best to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Some men go as far as making grand gestures and buying gifts to show their level of remorse and desire to do things right.

However, this does not mean that getting gifts for you automatically translates to genuineness and means he’ll not repeat it.

You must pay attention to his words and body language.


3) He trivializes your feelings

If there is anyone who should make you feel like your feelings are valid most, it is your partner.

He should value how you feel and do everything to make you happy.

Thus, if he’s constantly trivializing your feelings or even getting angry when you talk about it, you can be sure he’s not sorry for hurting you.

Some men have a habit of telling their woman things like “It’s not a big deal” and “get over it” when she shows signs of being hurt or emotional.

This is a sign that he is not sorry for hurting you.

It shows that he doesn’t see his wrong and isn’t remorseful about it.


4) He is nonchalant

The reason why some men trivialize your feelings is because they’re nonchalant.

They’re indifferent about your emotions and don’t care.

Even when they sometimes show signs that they care, they eventually return to their default lackadaisical state.

They’re indifferent about their actions, so it will be hard for them to see that they’re wrong.


5) He doesn’t try to make up for his wrong

A man genuinely sorry for hurting you and regrets his actions will seek ways to make things right.

He’ll almost overcompensate to make you see how sorry he is for all he did.

When a man is laid back and doesn’t try to do anything right, even if he has apologized, you can tell he is not sorry for hurting you.

There should be some form of visible effort and attempt to fix things.


6) He apologizes to get down with you

Signs He is Not Sorry For Hurting You

Things like makeup sex sound nice to the ears, but they’re dangerous for the health of a relationship because it shows that you’re using sex to cover up the issues on ground.

Makeup sex only makes sense when issues have been truly sorted and addressed.

Therefore, if you notice that he only apologizes to you for naughty reasons like wanting to get in your bed, you know he is just saying sorry to get down with you, and he isn’t really sorry for hurting you.


7) He does it again

Signs He is Not Sorry For Hurting You

What sign is more obvious than him repeating the actions that hurt you?

He is not interested in becoming better and doing better.

The same action that hurt you before is repeated.

If he truly is sorry, regret is big enough to make him change his ways.

If he cheated on you, ghosted you, was mean to you, has a bad temper, emotionally abused you, was overly sex-obsessed, or whatever it is, he should be determined to make sure it does not happen again.

It is simple.

If he hurts you over and over again in the same way, he is not sorry.


People need grace because we’re all imperfect but loving a person gives you the responsibility of prioritizing their feelings and doing your best to avoid actions that hurt them.

Extend grace to your partner, but the moment you see signs he is not sorry for hurting you, it’s time to make a serious decision because the relationship is unhealthy.

Signs He is Not Sorry For Hurting You

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