I used to be boring and dry. I used to be too serious. But things have changed. I might not be able to do a stand-up comedy, but I know how to be funny when necessary. And I’ll share the tips that helped me to know how to be funny with you. First, let me …
Needless to say, cheating is one of the greatest and commonest deal breakers in marriage. It’s one of the leading causes of relationship breakup and divorce. The American Psychological Association (APA) discovered that infidelity in the United States accounted for 20-40 percent of divorces. Cheating leads to broken trust, and what is a relationship/marriage without …
A beautiful relationship is not a product of magic or chance. A relationship is as beautiful as the effort the people involved put into it. A relationship cannot survive on its own, and a relationship does not die a natural death. The GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) principle also applies to love matters; that is, …
Apart from the fact that every marriage is different, there’s no ‘marriage school’. Or, marriage is actually a school where you collect your certificate before even starting. So, we are bound to make mistakes. As wives, we are bound to make mistakes in our marriage. The most important thing is to know that we are …
They say life starts at 40. Oh well… They also say a fool at 40 is a fool forever. The kind of life that will start for you at 40 will be determined by the things you’ve done before 40. At 40, some people look back with fulfillment and encouragement to continue living while some …
If I earned a dollar each time I came across an article on ‘productive things to do instead of watching TV’, I’d be a millionaire. TV watching has been so demonized by writers and motivational speakers. Isn’t there anything good about watching TV? Even people who write these articles spend some time before the screen. …
Hubby and I have been married for a year and six months. They say marriage is a place of so much learning. Well, I have learned quite a number of lessons in my very young marriage that transformed our marriage, but I’ll share FIVE of them with you. So, here are FIVE of the lessons …