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Talking To a Married Man Every Day: 10 Things You Should Know

Talking To a Married Man Every Day: 10 Things You Should Know

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Have you met a married man recently and started talking to him every day?

You may wonder how he manages to get away with it and why he is doing it in the first place.

Well, there are some things you need to know about talking to a married man every day.

You need to know what you’re getting into, so you can decide if you should continue talking to a married man every day or quit.

Talking To a Married Man Every Day: What You Should Know

  1. They may have problems at home and be using you as a distraction

If you’re talking to a married man every day, you should know that he may have problems at home and is using you as a distraction.

While it’s flattering to think that he enjoys your company so much that he wants to talk to you all the time, be aware that he might not be completely honest about his situation.

If he’s regularly complaining about his wife or having financial difficulties, it’s possible that he’s using you as a way to escape from his problems.

While there’s nothing wrong with being a shoulder to cry on, you should be aware of the pitfalls of getting too involved in someone else’s marital problems.


2. He may be bored and looking for attention

Talking To a Married Man Every Day

Another reason a married man may start talking to you daily is because he’s bored and looking for attention.

If his marriage is not going well or he feels like he’s not getting the attention he needs from his wife, he may turn to you for conversation and companionship.

You will never be anything more than a fantasy in his head because he knows that if he ever tried to make it real, it would all come crashing down around him.

And besides — no matter how much fun it seems at the time, it’s never worth ruining someone else’s life over your momentary happiness. 

I know it’s flattering to think you’re the one brightening up his day, but how do you feel about someone talking to you every day because they are bored?


3. He may be trying to cheat on his wife

Perhaps the most important thing to remember if you’re talking to a married man every day is that he may be trying to cheat on his wife.

While there’s a chance that he’s just looking for someone to talk to, it’s also possible that he’s trying to develop an emotional or physical relationship with you. ‘

If you’re not interested in being part of an affair, you should be careful about getting too involved with a married man.


4. It’s easy to get emotionally attached to someone you talk to every day

Talking To a Married Man Every Day

It’s easy to get emotionally attached to someone you talk to every day.

After all, you spend more time talking to them than anyone else.

You know their every thought, their every feeling.

You share your secrets with them, and they share theirs with you.

It’s only natural that you would develop strong feelings for them.

However, it’s important to remember that they are married.

They have made a commitment to their spouse, and you need to respect that.

If you truly care for them, you will want them to be happy in their marriage.

So don’t try to come between them and their spouse.

It’s not fair to either of you.


5. You might not be the only one they’re talking to

If you’re talking to a married man every day, you should know that you might not be the only one they’re talking to.

They may be talking to other women as well.

They just enjoy flirting with women for the thrill and excitement they are not getting in their marriage.

So, you are not special to him, and he will not leave his wife for you.


6. Talking to a married man every day can become addictive

Talking To a Married Man Every Day

Talking to a married man every day can become addictive.

It’s exciting to talk to someone so different from you.

You can learn about their life and their problems.

You can feel needed and wanted.

But isn’t it heartbreaking to be addicted to something that can never be yours?


7. You need to be honest with yourself about your feelings

If you’re talking to a married man every day, you need to be honest with yourself about your feelings.

Are you really just trying to be friends, or are you hoping for something more?

Because if you are consistently talking to a man who is already spoken for, you must have a reason.

So, what is your aim, sis?


8. You need to respect his marriage

Talking To a Married Man Every Day

Talking to a married man daily can be tempting, but you must respect his marriage.

This man is married and is not just in a long-term relationship but probably has children with his wife.

He is obligated to his family and wife to stay faithful to her.

How would you feel if your man was talking to another woman daily?

If you care for him, you will want him to be happy in his marriage. 

If he has problems in his marriage, he should be talking to his wife or a counselor. 


9. Your relationship won’t last forever

Talking To a Married Man Every Day

It’s easy to be pulled into a relationship with a married man because it feels so good.

Your life suddenly has meaning, purpose, and excitement — all things probably missing in your life for so long.

But know that this happiness is fleeting.

It won’t last forever.

Because the fact that this guy is married means that at some point, something will change.

His wife might find out what he’s been doing or become suspicious/jealous of how much he spends talking to someone who is not her.

Either way, your relationship will eventually end, and it’ll be over for good.

He’ll choose between his wife and the affair and pick his wife every time. 

And you’ll be what?

Hurt and heartbroken.


10. You’re getting yourself into a dangerous situation

If you’re talking to a married man daily, you’re getting into a dangerous situation.

There are many complications that come with having a secret relationship — like how much time it takes up in both of your lives and the risk of being found out.

There is no happy ending in talking to a married man every day.

You will never be able to have a proper relationship with this man, so it’s important that you focus on your own life instead of his.

If you decide to continue talking to a married man, set clear boundaries and don’t get too involved in his personal life before things get out of hand.

Talking To a Married Man Every Day

Sharing is caring!


Tuesday 7th of May 2024

Reading this just reminded me of my husband’s affair with this very stupid lady called Chidera K. She was aiming at taking him away from me and our kids. She went as far as getting pregnant. I found out about the entire situation although it was after she left him because he chose his Family over her. He has been begging me for forgiveness ever since, he said he dint even realise what he was doing with her was dangerous… I don’t know if I should forgive him, am so hurt.


Tuesday 4th of June 2024

@Gina, Your anger is misplaced The girl might have been stupid to date your husband but you only know what your husband told you. And is she the only one? What if he has others that you haven't found out yet?