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13 Unpleasant Things That Make A Man Lose Feelings For You

13 Unpleasant Things That Make A Man Lose Feelings For You

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Just as feelings can be developed, they can also be lost.

No matter how finished (Nigerian parlance for a man who’s madly in love with his woman) a man is for you, totally sold and in love with you, the reality is that he can lose those feelings one day.

If you have been thoroughly loved by your man, then you will agree with me that this is not good news.

The thought of having a man who used to dot on you, take care of you, and love up on you suddenly stop doing all of those things is not a welcome idea at all.

If you have a beautiful relationship in which your man shows you so much love and affection, then you should read this article.

This will help you know what to stay away from so that your prince charming does not become a stranger one day.

And if this sadly has already happened to you, you may be wondering what actions of yours contributed to the decline in love and affection.

I’ve got you I’ll tell you.

13 Unpleasant Things That Make A Man Lose Feelings For You

1. Losing your charm

things that make a man lose feelings for you

I intentionally decided to grab the bull by the horns with this point.

Many times, people erroneously say that if a loses feelings for you because you changed, it means that he didn’t love you to start with.

But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Even when a man genuinely and passionately loves you, those feelings can fizzle out when you consistently decline in your spark.

Something attracted him to you, and a good measure of that thing is required to keep strengthening his feelings.

So when you neglect things like your appearance, personal hygiene, growth as a person, and so on, don’t be surprised when you fast become unattractive to him.

You losing yourself shows a lack of self-respect and can lead to a man losing feelings for you.

2. Constant criticism

Criticizing a man consistently and harshly is one of the fastest ways to make his feelings for you disappear.

The feelings will vanish like smoke, and you’ll be left wondering what you did wrong.

If you’re a perfectionist or the type to easily identify and pick out flaws in individuals, you may want to learn how to overlook some things that aren’t of great significance or learn how to present them in respectful ways.

Regularly pointing out his flaws or mistakes can make him feel undervalued and unappreciated.

He’ll dread interacting with you because he knows that while he’s looking into your eyes and lost in love, you’re looking into his to pick out the log in it.

Persistent nagging and criticism sap people’s energy, even when they love you, and that’s because they create a negative atmosphere.

If you’re always complaining, constantly being jealous or insecure, being controlling, or always having something to argue about, you can start getting ready for a new relationship because this man is about to slip from your fingers.

His love for you may be strong, but if you constantly make the relationship feel more like a battleground than a partnership, then it may just give up.

3. Giving him too many chances

things that make a man lose feelings for you

Sounds ironic, I know.

But it’s super true.

When you give a man too many chances, he can lose not only respect but also love for you.

If he hurts you over and over and you keep taking him back, you’re telling him that you don’t love and value yourself.

And this perception of yourself that you’ve projected can influence how he sees you.

The feelings he had for you will begin to decline drastically because you’re always available and no longer special.

4. Disrespect

A man may love you and tolerate your excesses even if they are disrespectful to him for a while.

But the longer it goes on, the less the love becomes.

When you fail to show respect for his person, opinions, choices, or boundaries, you’re demeaning him and telling him that he doesn’t mean much to you.

No matter how deep the feelings he has for you are, constantly making him feel this way is bound to kill them.

Taking him for granted, not appreciating his efforts, and assuming he will always be there can make him feel undervalued, which can make him stop loving you.

5. Being distant

things that make a man lose feelings for you

Feelings may come naturally, but they require some level of effort and commitment to grow.

When you starve him of affection, communication, and emotional connection, you’re only teaching him how to live without you.

You’ll observe one day that a man who used to act like he couldn’t breathe without you is now going days without talking to you.

Poor or infrequent communication can be what created that distance.

Another thing that being distant does is that it leads to misunderstandings and a potential breakdown in the relationship.

When you don’t give him time, attention, and support, you make him feel alone.

6. Boredom

Whenever I see a relationship where one person alone is putting all the effort in, I know that something is wrong and they may not last.

People have different personalities, and both parties may not be the ‘life of the party’ (lively and bubbly).

If you leave all the efforts to the man alone, he may get tired.

Sometimes, it’s easy to fall into a routine without making any attempt to keep the relationship exciting and engaging.

But this is dangerous as it can lead to stagnation and loss of interest.

7. Infidelity

things that make a man lose feelings for you

There are only a very few things that can make a man lose feelings for you as fast as infidelity can.

Especially in a world where people strangely would be less surprised and displeased when a man cheats than when a woman does it.

Cheating, regardless of the gender that engages in it is wrong.

It is a fast killer of the trust and passion between two people.

Whether it’s physical or emotional infidelity, it can destroy trust and loyalty and lead to a loss of feelings.

8. Sleeping with him

One of the numerous reasons why I don’t support two unmarried people having sex is how fast they can take each other for granted afterward.

Without the commitment, bond, and oneness that marriage brings, sex can be a vulnerable experience that leads in the wrong direction.

Sleeping with a man who is not your husband can make him lose respect for you.

I must admit that this isn’t the case with every man, but it is for a good number.

Once you’ve given them the cookie, particularly if you let them in too easily, the passion and rush with which they chased after you before suddenly nosedives.

9. Not sleeping with him

things that make a man lose feelings for you

If you keep starving your husband of good lovemaking, it can alter how he feels about you.

Sex is a big deal to men.

A very huge deal.

It can affect how they function and interact with you.

If physical or emotional intimacy significantly declines, you need to address it and work on it.

This is because it can create a rift between you two.

10. Dishonesty

Some men can take most things that you do but not dishonesty.

If they get the slightest clue that you’ve been lying to them, they’ll stop seeing you the same way.

It’s almost as though someone puts off the love switch in their heart.

Lying or hiding things from him can break trust, be it financial information or something significant about your life or your past.

Trudy is crucial in every relationship; if it’s broken, very little can be done.

He’ll stop feeling safe or secure around you and may begin to distance himself.

11. Being too clingy

things that make a man lose feelings for you

You can negatively affect his feelings for you when you’re too distant, but the same applies to when you’re too clingy.

It depends on the guy and his personality, though.

However, there’s some level of attachment you can have to a man that is not healthy.

It’s worse when you show it.

Being over-dependent, relying too much on him, or always being all up in his face can snuff the love out of him.

Doing that can be overwhelming and burdensome, and he might begin to avoid you before you know what is going on.

12. Having different interests

Can two walk together unless they agree?

If you’re both going in different directions, there’s no way you can walk together.

When you both have incompatible long-term goals or visions for the future, you can lose connection and purpose.

Also, not sharing or respecting each other’s interests can lead to a lack of connection and understanding.

He may try to make it work initially, pushing past your differences, but if the differences are strong enough, it’s only a matter of time before they push the feelings down.

13. Negative behavior

things that make a man lose feelings for you

If you have negative traits and attitudes, you can make the feelings a man has for you go sour.

A pessimistic and constantly negative attitude can drain the energy and joy out of him.

Comparison is another unpleasant one that can destroy the feelings he has for you.

Comparing him unfavorably to others can undermine his self-esteem and by extension, your relationship.

Let’s not forget selfishness and an unwillingness to compromise.

When you choose to focus solely on your own needs and desires without considering his, you make him feel neglected and unimportant.

You don’t care that he’s making sacrifices for you and bending over backward to please you; you only care about yourself, and you’re unwilling to meet him halfway, even on important issues.

This can create frustration and resentment.

To wrap the bad behavior topic up, I have to mention ingratitude.

When you do not express gratitude for his efforts and contributions to your life and the relationship, you can make him feel unappreciated.

The truth is that no matter how much he loves you, he wants some response and reciprocation in return.

When he doesn’t get this or doesn’t get it in the way he wants, it can contribute to him losing feelings in a relationship.

To maintain a healthy, fulfilling relationship, you both have to treat each other with love and kindness.

Communicating openly, showing appreciation, and working together are also important and shouldn’t be undervalued.

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