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What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love? These 10 Things

What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love? These 10 Things

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”What makes a bad boy fall in love?”

When you think of a bad boy, what comes to mind?

A guy who’s always getting into trouble?

A guy who treats women poorly?

A guy who parties way too hard and never seems to get his life together?

Maybe he doesn’t stick with the same girl for more than a week.

Maybe he’s not afraid of breaking the law.

Or he just can’t seem to find his way out of his messes when it comes to women, work, or whatever other area of life you can think of that makes him a bad boy.

Bad boys have a reputation for being the worst. 

But what makes them fall in love?

Is it the same thing that makes everyone else fall in love?

If you’ve ever dated a bad boy, you know what it’s like:

You’re always on edge—excited by the thrill of being with someone so different from any other man you’ve ever met, but also hesitant to get too close because you know what happens when someone gets too close to a bad boy: they get hurt.

This doesn’t mean bad boys cannot fall in love.

So, what makes a bad boy fall in love? 

The truth is, there is no one answer.

Every bad boy is different, and what makes them fall in love will vary from bad boy to bad boy.

However, some common denominators tend to make bad boys weak in the knees.

What makes a bad boy fall in love with you? Let’s find out!


What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love?

1. He meets someone who accepts him for who he is.

What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love?

Bad boys often become bad boys because they feel like they have something to prove.

They might have been hurt in the past, or they’ve been misunderstood, so they put up this tough exterior.

But when they meet someone who accepts them for who they are, warts and all, they start to let their guard down.

And once they let their guard down, they’re open to falling in love.

Most bad boys don’t actually like to be bad.

They just aren’t very good at expressing themselves or following rules—and when they meet someone who accepts them for who they are and helps them grow into the kind of person they want to be, it’s an emotional experience for them.

This doesn’t mean letting a bad boy get away with murder, but giving him space to find his way toward better behavior.


2. He finally meets someone who isn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit.

What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love?

You know that time you were being silly, and your mom called you on it?

It was probably the most embarrassing moment of your life, but it was also nice because she was right.

A bad boy’s charm stems from the fact that he does whatever he wants and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks.

A bad boy is used to getting away with everything.

He’s used to being the one in control.

But if you get close to him, you’ll find out that he’s actually sensitive—he just doesn’t like people telling him so.

A bad boy is used to women being afraid of him and not used to being challenged, so when he meets someone who isn’t afraid to tell him that he’s wrong, he starts to see this person in a different light—a positive light.

It’s not hard to see why:

When someone calls you out on something you’re doing wrong, they’re basically telling you they care enough about you to tell you what needs improving.

It means they believe in your ability to change for the better—and if there’s one thing bad boys love more than anything else, it’s feeling like they affect someone else’s life for the better.


3. He meets someone who makes him want to be a better person.

What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love?

This one is sort of a combination of the first two theories, but it deserves its own mention because it’s so important.

We’ve all had that moment where we meet someone who makes us want to be a better person.

It’s not about how they look or how much money they have—it’s about how they make us feel.

When we’re with them, we feel like our best selves.

And when they leave us, we’re left with a feeling of emptiness that can only be filled by seeing them again.

When you’re with this kind of person, you can’t help but want to impress them.

This is the same with bad boys.

Bad boys often become bad because they don’t think they’re good enough for anyone or anything else.

But when they meet someone who makes them want to be a better person, suddenly, the stakes are raised.

This person sees potential in them, and that causes them to want to rise to the occasion and be the best possible version of themselves—the version worthy of this person’s love.


4. He’s been hurt many times and is finally ready to let down his walls.

What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love?

This theory is a bit sadder, but it’s often true.

Many bad boys become bad boys because they’re afraid of getting hurt.

They build up these walls around themselves to keep people out, but the problem is, those walls also keep love out.

And sometimes, it takes getting hurt many times before they’re finally ready to let down their walls and give love a chance.


5. He’s just plain old tired of being alone.

What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love?

When you see a bad boy, you may think he’s an emotionally stunted man with no interest in a relationship.

Because bad boys are notorious for being tough, but the truth is that they’re just plain old tired of being alone.

They don’t want to admit it, but deep down, they know they need someone else in their life—a partner who appreciates them for who they are.

So if a woman can make him feel wanted, understand why he does the things he does, and prove she can see right through his facade (and still love him anyway), he’ll let down his guard and open up to her.

That’s what makes a bad boy fall in love with someone: letting go of his defenses and showing her who he truly is underneath all that bluster and bravado.


6. He meets someone who is their complete opposite.

This theory is a bit of a cliché, but it’s true.

Opposites attract, and bad boys sometimes fall in love with good girls (and vice versa).

They’re attracted to the qualities they lack and drawn to the idea of having a partner who can balance them out.

It’s a bit of a learning curve, but it might be worth it in the end.


7. He meets someone who makes him feel like he’s finally home.

This one is similar to the “tired of being alone” theory but with a twist.

Many bad boys become bad boys because they’re searching for something—they’re searching for a sense of belonging.

They haven’t found it in their families or friend groups, so they search for it elsewhere.

And sometimes, they find it in the most unlikely of places.

They find it in the person who finally makes them feel like they’re home, making them fall in love.


8. He’s met his match.

What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love?

This theory is a bit of a combination of the “he’s finally met someone who isn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit” and the “he meets someone who is their complete opposite.”

A lot of times, bad boys become bad boys because they’ve never met their match.

What does this mean?

It means that as a woman, you are just as tough as him.

You’re not going to let him walk all over you—you’ll stand up for yourself and your beliefs, and he knows that if he messes up, there will be consequences.

You don’t have to be a total bitch about it, though—you can still show him that you support him and want what’s best for him.

But you won’t just sit there and take it if he does something wrong.

So because bad boys have always been the ones in control, when they finally meet someone who is their equal—someone who can match them in wit, intelligence, and strength—they’re open to falling in love.


9. He falls in love with himself.

He falls in love with himself.

This is one of the most important theories of them all.

Many bad boys become bad because they don’t feel good enough.

So they put up a front, a persona, to make themselves feel better.

They’re always trying to prove something, not just to others but also to themselves.

And the thing is, a lot of times, they do end up proving it.

They become successful in their chosen field, whether art, music, sports, or whatever.

But along the way, they realize that they’re not just successful despite their bad boy persona, but because of it.

It’s become a part of who they are.

And as they start to accept themselves more, they also start to open up to the idea of love.


10. He’s intrigued by a mysterious woman

What Makes a Bad Boy Fall in Love?

When a bad boy falls in love, it’s not just about the heart-fluttering romance and the butterflies.

It’s about the mystery.

The bad boy loves a woman who is mysterious and hard to read, who has got him guessing and wondering what she’s thinking.

He loves to play games with her, and he loves it when she plays back.

He doesn’t want to know everything right away; in fact, he wants to have to work for it.

A bad boy will never buy into someone who is too easy or obvious; that kind of thing doesn’t challenge him at all.

This list is not exhaustive, but it explains some of the things that make a bad boy fall in love.

what makes a bad boy fall in love

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