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7 Things That Make A Man Lust After A Woman

7 Things That Make A Man Lust After A Woman

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“Love grows. Lust wastes by enjoyment, and the reason is that one springs from a union of souls, and the other from an union of sense.” — William Penn

Lust, lust, lust, I could write a book on it.

How I’ve seen it grip people and make them do the unimaginable.

How it’s made men leave the “higher animal” label that science gave them and choose to act like lower ones instead.

The want, the itch, the desire, the passion.

It’s exciting, pulsating, and sweet.

Another thing that it is is spontaneous.

Lust often happens without much buildup, it just sprouts.

It’s like planting a seed and it grows into a tree all in one day, with no foundation or basis.

But I have to admit that there are some cases where lust doesn’t just happen, it occurs after a period of accumulation and “prep” sort of, but we’ll get into all of that in the article.

However, while lust can happen with or without a serious basis, it never happens without a reason.

Some things make a man lust after a woman.

Wherever these things are present, lust is either present or knocking on the door, about to step in.

Wondering what these things are?

Let us dive into it.

7 Things That Make A Man Lust After A Woman

1. A randy behaviour

things that make a man lust after a woman.

The first thing that makes a man lust after a woman is the man himself.

Not the circumstances, not the woman’s behaviour or body, not anything but him.

Lust is such an interesting concept that can’t be fully understood; however, in most cases, when it occurs, it’s because the man already had the tendency.

It’s usually men who have wandering eyes and see women as objects to fulfil their desires who edge towards it.

Don’t get me wrong, every man can and should be attracted to a woman; that’s normal; it’s a biological process and usually has nothing to do with the man’s will.

However, lust is a whole new story entirely.

Lusting usually happens when a man lacks discipline and has a randy behaviour and mindset.

He sees every interaction with a woman as a potential bedmate.

It’s like having a relentless hunger, where his thoughts and actions are constantly fueled by an insatiable craving for women.

His mind is like a whirlwind of fantasies, where every smile or touch a woman gives feels like an invitation to something more.

This relentless, randy mindset makes him consumed with lust, making it hard for him to think of anything else.

One distinct thing about such men is that they feel the same way about multiple women.

Woe betides whatever woman who thinks she’s special when she’s the object of his attraction.

2. Her body

 Things That Make A Man Lust After A Woman


The statement “Men are moved by what they see“, is always funny to me because aren’t we all?

I’m not a man, but I’m moved by what I see too.

However, I think that the perspective that that statement is coming from speaks of how quickly responsive men are to visual stimulation, especially when it has to do with sex.

Most men have a “spec” and when they see a woman who’s their spec, it takes intentionality and discipline to not grope over her.

When a man sees physical features that he finds appealing, such as body shape, facial features, or style in a woman, his interest will very likely be piqued.

It’s like witnessing a work of art in motion, where the sway of her hips or the arch of her back becomes mesmerizing to him and he begins to crave her.

Many may call it “love at first sight”, but it’s not.

It’s nothing serious or deep, it’s just raw desire.

It may not even be an actual physical woman, it could be exposure to images or media that show such women or depict romantic or sexual themes.

The eyes are powerful because they’re gates to the mind.

When a man constantly exposes his eyes, and inadvertently his mind to such stimulants, it can influence his perception and increase his attraction to any woman around, especially if she embodies similar traits.

3. Flirting from the woman

things that make a man lust after a woman.

When a woman flirts with a man, she sends him an unmistakable invitation to lust, and not many men turn such an invitation down.

Behaviour such as teasing, dirty jokes, or playful interactions can trigger romantic and physical interest, they signal attraction and open the door to deeper desires.

The back-and-forth banter and subtle signals from the woman can create a charged atmosphere, turning casual interactions into a thrilling prelude to the possibility of something more.

It gets more intense when physical touch and mysteriousness are involved; a hug, a touch on the thigh, or a holding of hands, can heighten attraction and stimulate desire in a man.

If the woman now decides to bring in an air of mystery or intrigue, she turns up the temperature degrees hotter.

Imagine a woman hinting at her sexual fantasies in a random conversation with a man and suddenly changing the topic, a lot of men would become restless and show signs of “being on heat.

It’s like a captivating novel where each teasing smile or cryptic remark adds layers of intrigue, making him eager to uncover the next chapter.

These things make the sexual chemistry a man feels grow deeper, and it’s fueled by body language and mutual responsiveness.

It’s crazy, the things that a woman’s flirting can do.

4. He’s horny

One of my Nigerian friends used to say something I always found super hilarious and is that “Konji na bastard“, and it’s an expression in Nigerian pidgin English that is said to mean that people would do anything when they’re horny.

Being sexually aroused is not a bad thing in itself, if anything, it is proof that you’re functioning well as a human being.

However, when a man is constantly sexually excited or erotically stimulated, it can make him do stuff.

This heightened physical arousal can amplify his desire, making him intensely lust after a woman.

It’s like a wildfire of desire igniting in his mind, where every glance and thought about her fans the flames.

For instance, he might see her smile and suddenly, his imagination runs wild, painting vivid scenarios fueled by his heightened state.

His mind becomes unstoppable and his thoughts become consumed by fantasies, turning simple interactions into magnetic attractions.

When he’s in this state, his focus sharpens on her allure, driven by a primal urge that overrides more measured emotions.

You may want to make the mistake of interpreting his actions at this point as passion stemming from love, but it’s far from that, he’s just sexually eager.

5. Excess time spent together

things that make a man lust after a woman.

One thing about familiarity is that it breeds a heightened awareness of the object of your familiarity.

When a man spends a lot of time with a woman, he becomes more acquainted with her presence and allure.

It’s like a little flame where constant proximity stokes the embers of desire into a roaring fire.

For instance, he might start to notice the way her laughter lights up a room or the subtle fragrance she wears, things he didn’t observe before, and these details may intensify his attraction.

The proximity between them can turn everyday moments into electric encounters, where a simple touch or shared glance feels charged with unspoken longing.

In such an atmosphere, his growing affection and physical attraction intertwine, transforming his appreciation of her company into a powerful, consuming lust.

People of the opposite sex who share similar interests, or for some reason are always around each other, need to be aware that they may be unconsciously fanning a flame.

Things like spending quality time together, common interests, or hobbies, and casual or random physical touch can create a bond that leads to deeper attraction.

When a man and woman share passions, it can amplify feelings of connection and lust.

6. Loneliness

Loneliness can ignite lust in amazing ways.

A lonely man has a greater tendency to itch for a woman.

Loneliness can make a man lustful by driving him to seek physical connections as a way to cope with the lack of emotional intimacy.

The absence of companionship in his life creates an emotional void, that pushes him to seek temporary relief through lustful desires.

This search for physical pleasure can momentarily distract him from feelings of isolation and sadness.

It’s like using crack or other things to take one’s mind off their actual issues.

Another interesting part of this is that experiencing lust can boost his self-esteem and give him a false sense of validation, and this can attempt to counter the negative emotions that loneliness brings.

At the end of the day, this behavior serves as a form of escape, offering a brief respite from the pain of being alone.

7. Captivating features

things that make a man lust after a woman.

When we talked about specs earlier on, it was restricted to physical features only.

But I’d have you know that it doesn’t end there.

Other captivating features can make a man lust after a woman.

Things like confidence, charisma, the ability to hold great conversations, and emotional connection count too.

They create admiration in a man for a woman.

For instance, when she walks confidently into a room, her presence alone can make his pulse quicken and his thoughts wander, just by her display of intelligence and talents.

The subtle grace of her gestures and the way she carries herself can turn even mundane moments into tantalizing displays of sensuality.

Her self-assuredness, healthy sense of self, and personality traits such as warmth and charm can be captivating.

This visual and physical allure stirs his desires, making her an object of intense, almost magnetic lust.

Lust can be multifaceted, often influenced by different factors both from the lustful man and the woman he’s lusting after.

When a man lusts after a woman, it can be an interesting experience, but it should be approached with awareness and understanding.

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