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10 Evident Signs He Doesn’t Treat You Right

10 Evident Signs He Doesn’t Treat You Right

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Every woman desires and deserves to be loved, to be loved right.

Love seems to be one of the most abused words ever.

Many are ignorant of what love truly is.

Beyond the emotions and the butterflies in the belly, love encompasses a lot of virtues, some of which are honesty, loyalty, respect, commitment, selflessness, forgiveness, companionship and lots more.

As a lady in love, you must be self-aware enough to know if your man loves you enough to exhibit these attributes and treat you right.

When someone loves you, they don’t just say it; they show it.

The lack of knowledge of what it means to be treated right in a relationship pushes many women to remain in toxic and unhealthy relationships.

How, then, do you know if your man doesn’t treat you right?

How do you identify ill-treatments when they come your way?

8 Evident Signs He Doesn’t Treat You Right

1. You don’t feel heard

10 Evident Signs He Doesn't Treat You Right

Being in a relationship where your man does not care to listen to you can be quite exasperating.

What is a relationship without communication?

A woman wants to express herself to her man.

She wants to discuss her likes, dislikes, goals, challenges, how her day went, every minute detail, etc.

Something is wrong if you are in a relationship where you can’t express yourself freely.

Feeling unheard in a relationship might just be a sign that your partner isn’t treating you right.

2. He does not appreciate your input

The most profound craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.

If your man constantly takes your input to the relationship for granted, hurt gradually settles in.

Not being appreciated could make a woman develop low self-esteem and low or zero zeal to be the best she can be.

You may start to regard yourself as worthless, which is a great form of ill-treatment.

3. He lies to you

10 Evident Signs He Doesn't Treat You Right

The discovery that your man is not truthful to you could make you feel manipulated.

Lies happen for diverse reasons in relationships.

If your man constantly manipulates you and portrays false situations as the truth, he does not treat you right.

He lies about his past relationships, finances, family background, relations with other people, health status, etc.

These core factors should help you make informed decisions about the relationship.

His decision to keep the truth away from you implies that he is selfish and has no regard for your feelings.

So, even though it may appear you have a good thing going on now, lying is one of the quickest ways to ruin a beautiful relationship.

4. He cheats on you

10 Evident Signs He Doesn't Treat You Right

He says he loves you, but he sees other women.

The negative impact of infidelity on a woman is nothing to be overlooked.

It makes you question your worth.

Knowing that your man does not consider you enough for him can be emotionally wrecking as you would have to deal with the ripple effects such as confrontations and gaslighting.

You find yourself comparing yourself to the women he cheats on you with, which could lead to self loathe.

Even if he fulfils your other needs, you will not feel secure in the relationship.

This is far from being treated right.

5. He talks down on you

10 Evident Signs He Doesn't Treat You Right

If your man talks down on you, you are a victim of verbal abuse, and you probably do not realise so.

Mutual respect is key in a romantic relationship.

Hearing words that crush your ego constantly will leave you damaged if care is not taken.

6. He gives you the silent treatment

10 Evident Signs He Doesn't Treat You Right

 Disagreements are bound to happen between lovers, and this is why effective communication is important.

 If your man habitually refuses to voice out his displeasure and keeps you wondering why he is cold or distant, even when you probe him to share.

He could be doing this as a form of punishment, and this is tantamount to emotional manipulation.

For an extended period, he talks to other people except you.

He goes incommunicado on you for no evident reason.

You do not even know when and if he will come around.

That’s the silent treatment, and it is a form of ill-treatment.

7. He does not prioritise you

 When your man does not prioritise you, it’s a sign that he does not value you.

 Every other thing or person in his life comes before you.

This is not a good sign at all.

 He does not make sacrifices for you or attend to your need as and when needed.

If he makes you feel like an option that he could do without, hoping to spend the rest of your life with such a person could be disastrous.

8. He controls you

 A man who does not allow you to be the best version of yourself is not someone you should be with.

If he wants to have the last say about your every move and never allows you to deal with issues with your discretion, you should be wary of him.

He is your partner, not your parent.

He can seek to influence and contribute; this is what life partners do.

However, if he refuses to cut you some slack and let you handle issues as an adult, then it’s a red flag.

You should reconsider if he isolates you from your loved ones and restrains you from social circles.

9. He plays the blame game

10 Evident Signs He Doesn't Treat You Right

 If your man always blames you for everything that goes wrong and never owns up to his faults, be prepared always to feel bad.

 He will always shove guilt down your throat, making you feel like you can never do anything right, no matter how hard you try.

If he is not willing to be vulnerable enough to apologise for his mistakes and misdeeds, whereas he always makes you grovel at his feet for his forgiveness for the things you did and didn’t do, there is cause for concern.

You always compromise and apologise just for peace to reign.

However, you do not feel peaceful in your innermost being.

Then, he is not treating you right.

10. He makes you feel unworthy of him

10 Evident Signs He Doesn't Treat You Right

If your man makes you feel you should be more grateful to be in a relationship with him than he is, then there is a problem.

If he feels like he is the “best thing since sliced bread”, and you are not in his league, then something is fundamentally wrong.

You should be with a man who feels he deserves you as much as you deserve him.

If he believes you are not worthy of him, he can take a hike and let your best match find you because I am certain he is somewhere out there.

He is not doing you a favour by dating you.

It would be best if you were together for mutual benefit.

No matter your shortcomings as a human being, whoever chooses to be with you has to value you for who you are.


It takes a self-aware woman to assert how she deserves to be treated by a man.

This explains why I advocate not being in a relationship until one is mature enough for all it entails.

 Know what you are worth, and do not settle for less.

Steer clear of anyone who will leave you battered and drained.

Sometimes, one has to let go of what one has to give room for a better one to come.









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