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If a Guy Kisses You Before He Leaves: 13 Things It Means

If a Guy Kisses You Before He Leaves: 13 Things It Means

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Have you ever been in a situation where a guy you’ve been hanging out with kisses you before he leaves?

While it may seem like just a simple gesture, it can actually mean a lot of different things.

Let’s see what it means if a guy kisses you before he leaves:

If a Guy Kisses You Before He Leaves: 13 Things It Means

1. He’s attracted to you

If a guy kisses you before he departs, it’s a sure sign that he likes you and is attracted to you.

I doubt if anyone would kiss someone they don’t find attractive.

So kissing you before leaving is his way of expressing his attraction towards you.

And it isn’t just about physical attraction, though that certainly plays a part.

More than that, it’s about him being drawn to your personality, your laugh, the way you see the world.

His parting kiss is a silent message saying, “I’ve enjoyed spending time with you, and I can’t wait to see you again.”

So, if he’s sealing the goodbye with a kiss, you must have made a positive impression.


2. He wants to show affection

If a Guy Kisses You Before He Leaves

There are different ways we show affection to someone we care about.

For some, it’s through words of affirmation or small acts of kindness.

For others, like this guy, it’s through physical touch.

Kissing you before he leaves is his way of showing you that he cares about you and wants to physically connect with you before parting ways.


3. He’s saying goodbye

It may seem obvious, but sometimes we overlook the simplest explanation.

If a guy kisses you before he leaves, it could simply mean that he’s saying goodbye.

Maybe he won’t see you for a while, or it’s the end of a date.

The koko of the matter is that he wants to end the interaction on a positive note and leave you with a sweet memory.

The kiss is his way of saying “goodbye” without actually saying it.


4. He’s testing the waters

If a Guy Kisses You Before He Leaves

What do you do when there’s an unfamiliar body of water in front of you?

You dip your toes in first, right?

That’s exactly what this guy could be doing.

He may kiss you before leaving to gauge your reaction and see if there’s potential for something more between the two of you.

If he gets a positive response, he may take it as a green light to pursue things further.

It could even be to gauge your response to the kiss to know if he should kiss you more deeply.

If you respond positively and reciprocate the kiss, he might intensify the kiss.


5. He’s trying to make a move

Kissing you before he leaves could also mean that he’s trying to make a move.

Maybe he’s been wanting to kiss you all night but couldn’t find the right moment.

So, as a last-ditch effort, he goes for it before leaving.

After all, what’s the worst that could happen?

He’s leaving anyway.


6. He’s feeling emotional

You think men don’t have emotions?

Think again, darling.

Men are just as capable of feeling emotions as women are, but they may not always show it.

If a guy kisses you before he leaves, and there seems to be extra emotion or tenderness behind the kiss, he might be feeling some type of way.

Maybe he’s sad about leaving or is processing his feelings for you.

Kissing you is his way of expressing himself without saying a word.


7. He wants to take things further

Let’s not pretend that some guys don’t have a sexual motive behind their actions.

Sex doesn’t start from the bedroom; it starts with a kiss.

If he’s been getting to know you and likes what he sees, kissing you before leaving could be his way of hinting that he wants to take things further physically.

He may not want to push you into anything, but the kiss is his way of communicating his intentions.


8. He’s marking his territory

If a Guy Kisses You Before He Leaves

It may sound possessive, but some guys like to mark their territory.

They want to show other potential suitors that you’re off-limits.

It’s just like a dog peeing on a tree to claim it as its own.

So, if a guy kisses you before he leaves, it could be his way of staking his claim and letting other guys know that you’re taken.


9. He’s being polite

Some people are just naturally affectionate.

For them, hugging and kissing friends is a common occurrence, so maybe this guy is simply being polite by giving you a goodbye kiss.

He may not have any romantic intentions, but he doesn’t want to leave you hanging without so much as a peck on the cheek.

Take it as a friendly gesture and nothing more.


10. He’s seeking validation

Kissing someone is a vulnerable act.

It takes courage to put yourself out there and expose your feelings.

If a guy kisses you before he leaves, it could be because he wants validation from you.

He wants to know if you feel the same way or if he’s reading too much into things.

Kissing you means he’s putting himself on the line and waiting for your reaction.


11. He’s saying thank you.

If you’ve done something kind for a guy, he may kiss you as a way of showing his appreciation.

Maybe you picked up the tab, gave him a ride, or listened to him vent about his day.

Kissing you before leaving is his way of saying thank you for making his day better and showing that he values your presence in his life.


12. He’s being romantic

If a Guy Kisses You Before He Leaves

Being romantic is not always about grand gestures.

Sometimes, it’s the small and simple things that make the biggest impact.

Kissing is a romantic act, and if a guy kisses you before leaving, it could be his way of being romantic.

He may just want to leave you with a sweet moment that will make you smile when he’s gone.

Because that’s what romance does; it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


13. He wants to leave a lasting impression

A kiss before parting can be a way for a guy to make sure you remember him.

He may have enjoyed your company and wants to leave a lasting impression before saying goodbye.

And it could be a way for him to stand out from other guys you’ve interacted with in the past.

It means he doesn’t want to be easily forgotten and hopes to see you again soon.


Kisses are not just kisses.

They can mean a lot of different things depending on the context and the person giving them.

So, if a guy kisses you before he leaves, don’t jump to conclusions or assume that it means something negative.

Instead, use your intuition and pay attention to the circumstances surrounding the kiss to get a better understanding of what it could mean.

The most important thing is that your boundaries are respected and that you feel comfortable with the situation.

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