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”The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick!”

”The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick!”

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A breakup is hard enough, but it’s even harder when you have to see your ex moving on with someone else, especially if you are not dating anyone new.

It can make you feel sick to your stomach, like you want to curl up in a ball and die!

If you’re struggling with seeing your ex with someone else, here are some tips that might help you cope:

”The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick”

  1. Acknowledge that yes, it sucks, but you are going to be OK

First, understand that it’s perfectly natural to feel this way.

You loved this person; they were a part of your life.

It’s only normal that you would feel upset and even jealous when you see them with someone else.

So, give yourself some time to grieve.

It’s OK to cry, to be angry, and to feel like you’ll never get over this.

Just know that these feelings are normal and that nothing is wrong with you.

You are just being human.


2. Take time to mourn the relationship

''The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick''

This doesn’t mean wallowing in your sorrows for months on end.

But it is important to give yourself some time to grieve the loss of the relationship.

Do whatever you need to do to process these feelings.

This might mean talking to a therapist, writing in a journal, or even talking to a friend.

But don’t try to bottle up your emotions or pretend they don’t exist.

Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling.

That is a process you have to go through to heal.


3. Focus on self-care

''The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick''

One of the best things you can do for yourself after a breakup is to focus on taking care of yourself.

This means eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, and caring for your physical and mental health.

When you’re feeling good about yourself, it’s much easier to deal with your ex dating someone else.

You need to care for yourself and love yourself. 

When you love yourself, you’ll realize that self-love is the best love, and the thought of your ex with someone won’t make you sick.

Because you’ve got yourself.

And yourself will never leave you.

Or you’ll never leave yourself. lol


4. Don’t try to get over your feelings by starting something with someone new

''The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick''

Many try to get over their ex by jumping into a new relationship as soon as possible, a rebound relationship.

But this is usually a bad idea.

Not only does it not (always) work (you’ll just end up comparing your new partner to your old one), but it can also lead to serious heartache for the new person involved.

So, resist the temptation to start something new with someone else to get over your feelings or make your ex jealous, as this will only lead to drama and heartache in the long run.

Instead, focus on taking care of yourself.

Spend time with friends and loved ones, do things that make you happy, and be patient.

In time, you’ll be able to move on from your ex and find love again.


5. Avoid social media

Maybe it’s been a few months since your breakup, and you’re finally starting to feel better.

You’re going out with friends again and even starting to think about dating someone new.

Then, you log onto social media and see a photo of your ex with someone else.

Suddenly, all those good feelings come crashing down, and you’re right back to feeling heartbroken and alone.

If the thought of your ex with someone else makes you sick, you should take a break from social media.

Avoiding Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat will help you to avoid seeing photos of your ex and their new partner.

Also, staying off social media will give you more time to focus on yourself and healing from the breakup.

So log off, block your ex, and take some time for yourself.

You’ll be glad you did.


6. Spend time with your friends and family

''The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick''

One of the best things you can do when feeling down is to spend time with your loved ones.

Our loved ones are our support system; we need them in tough times, even if it’s to hear us rant and vent.

They will also be able to offer advice and make us realize we are not alone. 

Yes, you may not have a romantic partner, but you have a network of people who love you.

That, my dear, is a big deal!


7. Do something for yourself

This is a great time to focus on your happiness.

Do something you’ve always wanted to do, whether taking a trip, starting a new hobby or just taking some time for yourself.

This will help you to remember that you’re a strong, independent person who doesn’t need anyone else to be happy.


8. Remember why your relationship didn’t work out

Remember that there was a reason why your relationship ended.

So before you dwell on what might have been, take a step back and remember why your relationship didn’t work out in the first place.

Was it because of infidelity?

Different goals and aspirations?

Or simply incompatible personalities?

Remembering why things didn’t work out can help you come to terms with the situation and move on with your life.

And who knows, once you’ve moved on, you may just find that the thought of your ex with someone else doesn’t bother you quite so much.


9. Find a new fire to warm you

''The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick''

If you find yourself obsessing over your ex and what they’re doing, find a new fire to warm you.

Find something that excites you and makes you feel alive.

It may be a new hobby, job, skill, or meeting new people.

Whatever it is, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about.

When you have something to focus on that makes you happy, you’ll be able to move on from your ex and start fresh.


10. Seek professional help if you’re having trouble moving on

''The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick''

If you’ve tried all of the above and you’re still struggling to move on, it may be time to seek professional help.

A therapist can help you to work through your emotions, and they can offer guidance on how to deal with a breakup.

Because if you’re finding it difficult to let go, professional help may be what you need to finally move on from your ex.

Moving on after a breakup is never easy, but by following these tips, you can get through it.

Just remember to take things one day at a time and to be kind to yourself.

You’ll get through this, and you’ll be stronger for it.


''The Thought of My Ex With Someone Else Makes Me Sick''

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