A lot of breakups that happen between couples these days are attributed to their high level of social media presence.
Instead of spending time talking to and with each other, and finding things to do with your partner at night, people now prefer to spend time surfing the Internet and all types of social media platforms.
Communication is a vital part of every relationship and whenever communication is nonexistent or bad, that relationship will keep having problems or worse still, be headed for the rocks.
So, how do you spice things up in your relationship?
By spending quality time together, especially at the end of each day.
It is not in the hours spent, but in the productivity of the time spent, no matter how long or how short it is.
Couples that communicate with each other efficiently and effectively are happier together.
Communication doesn’t have a specific time or place when it must happen.
It happens every time and everywhere… in the morning, afternoon, night, at work, religious places, at the movies, on dates, etc.
In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the things to do with your partner at night to help you bond better.
Remember that a well-bonded couple is a happy couple. Enjoy the read!
Things To Do With Your Partner at Night
1. Talk About Your Day In General

This is one of the most effective bonding moments for couples and it is also therapeutic.
You should talk about anything and everything that happened during the day to your partner especially things you’d like to get off your chest.
However, try to not dwell on the negative things that happened.
No matter how bad your day was, try to find something positive to say about it.
The aim of talking about your day is to get your mind free from the day’s events and to bond with your partner.
Now, that aim will be defeated if you end up stirring anger, regrets, and other negative vibes.
You don’t want to carry all the anxiety and stress of the day to bed, do you?
While you share yours, give them time to share theirs too and listen to them.
You’ll both go to bed feeling light as air.
2. Prepare Dinner And Eat Together

Cooking and or eating together is one of the bonding things to do with your partner at night.
There are a lot of hidden benefits in the simple acts of cooking and eating together.
None of you will feel that they’re saddled with the responsibility of slaving alone in the kitchen.
Also, no one will end up extremely tired after working alone in the kitchen.
Cooking together provides you with the opportunity to remember your childhood kitchen tricks, dishes, and pleasant memories that must have been buried somewhere in your subconscious.
Talking and laughing about these things while preparing dinner are parts of bonding with your partner.
Eating together after cooking is sort of a continuation of the bonding times in the kitchen.
You can share ideas, plans and rub minds together over dinner.
Eating dinner with your partner is a proven way to put you in a good mood.
3. Relive The Memories Of Your First Times Together
You can try to relive the memories of the first time you met your partner and your other ‘first times’ together.
You can talk about this and ask your partner what and how they felt for you then.
It doesn’t matter how many times you go over this, the experience doesn’t seem to ever fade.
It is evergreen!
Try to remember and talk about how, when, and where you first met, the first conversation, first hug first kiss, and even first date.
Sharing and reliving these happy and romantic moments of your lives help to strengthen your bond and make you be reassured of what you both share.
Not only does it make your relationship stronger, you see reasons to stick with your partner and work things out, come what may.
4. Massage Your Muscles Regularly
You can strengthen your bond when you give each other body massages from time to time.
Apart from relieving tensed muscles, massages help to reduce stress and increase the general body’s wellbeing.
You can massage each other for about 15 minutes, at least twice a week.
The giver and receiver of the massage both feel better during the process. You should try it out with your partner.
5. Find Time To Read To Each Other Before Bedtime

Knowledge is power, so they say.
What is a relationship without knowledgeable people in it?
Reading unlocks the doors to greater corridors of power, more information, and the discovery of new things.
While reading to and being read to, you share similar thoughts, learn together and become more learned.
Reading together and exchanging ideas gives you a deeper and better understanding of who your partner is.
It helps you connect better to them and make your relationship stronger.
Reading is one of the habits of smart people. So, couples who read together grow smarter together.
6. Learn The Act Of Expressing Gratitude

This is not just a nighttime practice per se.
Every human relationship is hinged on the power of gratitude, which should never be underestimated.
Gratitude is not only an action, it is also a form of kindness and generosity, and an emotional show of appreciation.
Being grateful for the big and little things your partner does/did for you will push them to do even more for you.
It will also show that you do not take them for granted.
This is not restricted to only relationships.
Humans are generally appreciative of gratitude and love to reward anyone who shows gratitude.
You can thank them verbally for preparing breakfast, doing the laundry, picking the groceries, etc.
You can also thank them for your actions by running hot scented baths for them or massaging their necks and shoulders while they work.
These little things go a long way to strengthen your relationship.
7. Try To Go To Bed At Around The Same Time

When you and your partner have different bed schedules, some problems can arise in your relationship.
You tend to spend less time together, disagree more often, fight more, and have fewer sexual activities together.
Having different bedtimes is one of the quickest ways to lose your connection and intimacy with your partner.
Once this happens, that relationship is headed for the rocks.
Going to bed together or around the same time helps to erase the feeling of loneliness and also keeps the warmth of the relationship aglow.
This is the time for pillow talks and sleeping in each other’s arms.
It also helps to curb late-night habits.
8. Chill With Netflix together

This is one activity I absolutely enjoy doing with my husband at night.
We watch a movie or series together on Netflix and share our thoughts on them.
It’s one of the ways we spend time together without the kids.
Things to do with your partner at night?
I hope you found these ideas useful.

Monday 22nd of March 2021
Thank you for letting us know bedding and night experience exceeds sex. Lovely things prescribed in there. Nice piece
Mabel's Blog
Tuesday 23rd of March 2021
Thank you for reading.
Oluwafunmbi Purpose Aigbekaen
Monday 22nd of March 2021
One other way I ensure my husband and I bond everyday is to shower together as we prepare to get in bed.
Mabel's Blog
Monday 22nd of March 2021
Awww. I love this. I'll add it to the post. Thank you.
The kids won't let this happen for us. 😂
Adedoyin Abolade
Monday 22nd of March 2021
This is interesting and enlightening.
I think we are coming up😄.
Thank you and well-done.
Mabel's Blog
Monday 22nd of March 2021
Come up hither already. 😂