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How to Make Your Baby Daddy Fall in Love with You Again Irresistibly

How to Make Your Baby Daddy Fall in Love with You Again Irresistibly

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Learning how to make your baby daddy love you again is like learning how to make any guy love you, but with a twist; you already have a past with him.

Not just a past; you have a child or children together, and that’s huge.

Your past is not only tied to him, but your present, and somehow, your future is also tied to him because of the child(ren) between you.

I understand your desire to make him fall in love with you again.

Maybe you still have feelings for him or want your child to grow up with both parents; your reason is valid.

Here are some tips to make your baby daddy love you again: 

How to Make Your Baby Daddy Fall in Love with You Again 

1. Fall in Love with Yourself

How to Make Your Baby Daddy Fall in Love with You Again

The first step to making your baby daddy fall in love with you again is to fall in love with yourself.

You cannot expect someone else to love you if you do not love yourself.

Take some time to focus on yourself, do the things that make you happy, and be confident in your own skin.

When you are happy and confident, it shows, and people are attracted to that.

No one wants to be around a negative person, not even your kid’s father.

If you don’t love your life, why would anyone want to be in it?


2. Glow Up in Every Way

How to Make Your Baby Daddy Fall in Love with You Again

Glow up, dear. 

Glow up!

This means taking care of your physical appearance, working on your mental health, and improving your overall lifestyle.

Hit the gym, eat healthily, and dress nicely.

Take time to work on your mental health and practicing self-care.

When you are your best self, your baby daddy will notice and be attracted to you.

Wait, glowing up is an act of self-love, not what you do for a man, not even your baby daddy.

Getting your baby daddy to fall in love with you is just the icing.

The cake is you and your amazing transformation. 

Your kid will love you even more when they see how strong and confident their mumma is.


3. Get a Life; Develop Yourself

How to Make Your Baby Daddy Fall in Love with You Again

One of the ways to make your life attractive and make your baby daddy want to be in it is to get a life.

I mean, develop yourself.

Take up a hobby, learn something new, get a job, find an interesting group of people to hang out with, travel the world, and make memories. 

These are all ways that you can show your baby daddy that you have more to offer than just being his baby mama. 

When you take care of your own needs, you become the best version of yourself, and that’s something your baby daddy will find irresistible. 


4. Be a Good Mom

How to Make Your Baby Daddy Fall in Love with You Again

You can’t make your child’s father fall in love with you if you are an irresponsible mom; if you are a bad mom to his child(ren).

Be a good mom and show your baby daddy that you have what it takes to take care of his child. 

Show him that you are responsible, trustworthy, and reliable when it comes to parenting his children. 

This is something that can go a long way in showing him how much you care about his children and that you are someone he can depend on, especially if he loves his child(ren).


5. Let Go of Bitterness

He’s your ex for a reason.

He’s your baby daddy and not a husband for a reason, so there must have been some bad blood between you two.

Trying to make him fall back in love with you means he’s no longer in love with you.

But you have to get past that, let go of that bitterness and anger towards him, and focus on being positive and happy around him. 

Showing him your positive attitude will make him see you are mature enough to handle a relationship with him. 

Be the bigger person and forgive both of you for any wrongs.

If you can’t let go, communicate with him and trash things out with him.

The key is to put aside all the bad and negative feelings you have towards him and focus on the positive memories instead. 

Remember why he fell in love with you in the first place, and use those qualities to remind him of what he’s missing now that he’s no longer in love with you. 


6. Behave Respectably; No Baby Mama Drama

Baby mama drama is a thing, but you don’t want to get involved in it. 

Make sure you handle yourself with respect when interacting with him and his new partner if he is in a relationship.

This will show that you are a respectful person who is not interested in drama.

Behaving respectfully towards your baby daddy is crucial in making him fall in love with you again. 

When you show him respect, he will more likely reciprocate those feelings.


7. Flirt with Him, But Not Too Much

How to Make Your Baby Daddy Fall in Love with You Again

A little flirting doesn’t hurt, does it?

Flirting with your baby daddy is actually a great way to remind him of the connection you two once had.

But make sure not to overdo it, as it might be seen as desperate or needy.

Keep things light and don’t push too much; just enough to let him know you still find him attractive and desirable. 

Flirting too much may give off the wrong impression and make things awkward between you two. 

So, use your judgment wisely when it comes to flirting with him.

A few coy smiles, light touches, and flirty banter could be enough to encourage his feelings for you.

Find a balance between being flirty and being respectful.

You want to show him you are interested in him but not desperate.


8. Go on Dates with Other Guys

How to Make Your Baby Daddy Fall in Love with You Again

Going on dates with other guys may seem counterintuitive, but it can actually make your baby daddy fall in love with you again.

It shows him that you are desirable and that other men are interested in you.

You know guys like to have what seems unavailable. 

Have you noticed that men seem more interested in you when you are not single and available?


Just because you want to make your baby daddy fall in love with you doesn’t mean you can’t date other guys.

It will also help to remind him that there are other guys out there who would be happy to date you, so why not appreciate the one he has? 

However, be respectful, honest, and transparent about your intentions when going on dates with others. 

You don’t want to hurt innocent people in the process.

The goal is not just to make him jealous but to show him that you are desirable and could easily attract other men. 

It might be what he needs to finally make a move and win you back.

And if he doesn’t, you might actually find someone else who is right for you in the process. 

So, it’s all worth a shot.


9. Don’t be Desperate

Desperation is a major turn-off.

Avoid constantly texting or calling your baby daddy; give him space when he needs it.

Being too clingy can push him away, and you do not want to come across as desperate.


10. Be Happy; Make Your Happiness Your Responsibility and Priority

Lastly, prioritize your happiness.

When you are happy, you radiate positive energy, and people are attracted to that.

Focus on the things that make you happy, and your baby daddy will want to be a part of that happiness.

Did you notice that most of these points have to do with you and not exactly with him?

It’s because you are the one in control of your own destiny.

These tips will help you to be the best version of yourself.

So whether you win your baby daddy back or not, you will have done your part to make sure that you live life as best as you can.


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Jimmy Mphai

Monday 2nd of October 2023

Ohky u are right So when I told my baby daddy how do I feel about her?