You tend to do many things when you’re into a guy and like him.
Even without words, you’ll try hard to decipher his every move and intent.
You do all these things because you want to know if he’s interested enough to want a relationship with you in the future.
You have not yet figured out his plans for you, so you attempt to measure the time he spends with you.
Although I’m all about being optimistic, and you like him so much that you have built a fairytale life for the both of you in your head, it’s time to think about the other side of the coin.
What if he doesn’t want anything serious with you?
There’s just one way to find out: by reading the signs that he doesn’t want a relationship with you.
Outlined below are some of the clear signs he doesn’t want a relationship with you:
12 Signs He Doesn’t Want a Relationship With You
1. He’s not available emotionally
Does he let you in emotionally?
It’s normal for you to feel comfortable enough around a guy to open up to him and confide in him.
However, you have to slow down and observe if he’s willing to open up to you and let you in as well.
Check how open he is to you.
What intimate details do you know about him?
A man who is interested in a long-term relationship will be willing to share the deeper parts of his life with you.
On the other hand, a man will keep steering the conversation away from his past and his feelings as much as possible when he’s not interested in having a relationship with you.
When he’s not emotionally invested in you or isn’t interested in a relationship with you, he sees no need to open up so much to you.
So, it doesn’t matter how comfortable you have gotten with him to be able to confide in him and open up to him.
His emotional distance and his decision to keep you as just an acquaintance are enough to suggest that you shouldn’t want anything more from him.
If he’s not emotionally committed to you, it’s one sign that he doesn’t want a relationship with you.
I’m not saying you have to know everything about him, but if you notice a pattern of him avoiding personal questions or changing the subject when it comes to his feelings, it’s a red flag that he’s not interested in pursuing something more with you.
2. He seems distracted whenever you are together
What’s his attitude whenever both of you are together?
Do you have to repeat what you’ve said before simply because he is not paying attention to you?
Is he always on his phone whenever both of you are together?
If he’s mostly disengaged and distracted whenever both of you are together, the chances of him not being interested in having a relationship with you are very high.
He might be zoning out on you mentally if his mind is elsewhere.
He doesn’t value you so much if his mind wanders when you’re with him.
Although there are instances when it happens only if something else bothers him, if it’s a recurring habit, it’s one of the huge signs he doesn’t want a relationship with you.
If his full and undivided attention is on you and every word that comes out of your mouth, he’s probably into you and is interested in being with you for the long term.
Because it shows he takes you seriously.
3. You’ve not met with his friends
Has he introduced you to his friends yet?
A guy who likes you and is interested in having anything to do with you in the long term will want to introduce you to the people who mean so much to him.
He’ll want his friends to meet with you and get to know you.
He’ll also want to see how well you interact with his friends if he’s thinking of doing the long haul with you.
But if you’ve known each other for quite some time and you haven’t met any significant person in his life, including his friends, it’s sad to say that he doesn’t see you in the same light you see him.
He won’t introduce you to his friends because he feels the effort and time would be in vain.
If that’s the case, I don’t think he should be worth your time and effort either.
4. You can’t count on him
A man doesn’t want a relationship with you if you can’t count on him or trust him at any point in time.
He is undependable and unreliable to you because he has chosen not to make you a real priority in his life.
Does he cancel his plans with you at the last minute?
Is he not forthcoming about his whereabouts and who he is with?
Is he not being forthright with you?
He is not interested in having a relationship with you.
If he values you and wants to be with you for the long haul, he’ll work very hard to fulfill his commitments to you.
However, if you’re being stood up most of the time, I think it’s one of the clear signs he doesn’t want a relationship with you.
5. He goes silent on you for a while
If he has the habit of going MIA frequently on you, it’s time to have a rethink of what you’re doing with him.
Disappearing on you for days, weeks, or months before you hear from him again is a clear sign that he’s not interested in you.
Guys who suddenly go dark are usually players who see other people on the side.
It might be because the time he apportioned to you is up, and it’s time for him to be with someone else.
When he suddenly stops reaching out to you, and you can’t say for a fact when you’ll be hearing from him again, I’m certain it’s clear that he doesn’t want a relationship with you.
6. He’s not interested in making long-term plans
When you are really into someone, wanting to make long-term plans with them is not out of place.
It’s only someone not interested in having something serious with you who won’t want to have long-term plans with you.
You’ll notice that he’ll not be willing to be by you as you make these plans.
The hesitation and the delay in saying a definite yes to your plans are all the signs you need to know that you’re at a dead end with this guy.
You should move on from him as soon as possible.
7. He doesn’t show interest in your life
A man who is interested in building a relationship with you will be interested in what’s going on in your life.
But if your guy doesn’t ask about your life or show interest when you talk about it, he may just be using you as a rebound or a distraction from his problems.
If he doesn’t seem interested in what matters most to you, that could be a sign that he isn’t interested in developing a deeper connection with you.
8. He doesn’t tell you that he loves you
If a guy truly loves you, he will tell you that he loves you and show it to you by doing little things.
If he is not saying “I love you” or trying to be romantic and affectionate with you, he doesn’t plan to make you his girlfriend.
9. He doesn’t compliment you
When a man compliments a woman, it’s typically because he finds something about her that is charming or attractive.
Compliments are a great way to show someone you’re interested in them.
If your guy isn’t complimenting you, it could mean he’s not as interested in you as you’d like him to be.
10. He’s not willing to compromise on anything
Some things are worth fighting for — but not everything is worth fighting over.
If a guy refuses to budge and is unwilling to compromise on any matters, even when you’re both in agreement about something, he surely doesn’t care about having a relationship with you.
11. He doesn’t listen to your problems or concerns first before offering solutions
Some people have trouble hearing what others are saying without immediately jumping into problem-solving mode — especially if they’re busy thinking up solutions before they’ve even heard all the details of the issue at hand.
If a guy isn’t willing to listen before offering advice, it could be a sign that he doesn’t care enough to listen to you.
A guy who wants a relationship with you will care about you enough to listen to your plight and thoughts.
12. He’s talking to other women
If your guy isn’t exclusive with you, he definitely doesn’t see himself as part of a committed relationship with you.
If he has no problem talking about other women with his friends or with you or even flirting with them in front of you, then he probably isn’t ready for anything serious with you.
These are some of the signs a guy doesn’t want a relationship with you.
If you want a relationship, you should know that this isn’t a relationship for you.
You don’t want to be trapped in a one-sided relationship.
Hellen Tembo
Wednesday 28th of August 2024
He doesn't love you
Nikeisha brown
Tuesday 6th of August 2024
My husband displys all 12 signs so now i dont know
Friday 2nd of August 2024
This the same with Women to men...
Saturday 16th of March 2024
Three and half yrs. I’ve only met his son. Never been to his place. Never gone out. No gifts. Doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. Take days to get a reply text. Never spends the night. Seldom calls. Thank you for this article. I’m done!
Friday 31st of January 2025
@Mary, agree!
Sunday 14th of July 2024
@Mable, yes, sounds like he is catfishing you. You need to let him go. Sorry that you are experiencing this. You will feel so much better without this guy.
Saturday 6th of April 2024
@Mabel's Blog, l get I love you all the time but the other things nothing we never had sex been dating 10 months he live in another country just call when he wants to I don’t have his # never meet him in person do I need to let him go?
Mabel's Blog
Sunday 17th of March 2024
So sorry about your experience
Saturday 27th of January 2024
He has a mix like when he is here. He says all the right things, nobody else matters but the 2 of us, he does look or anwset his phone.I can't really explain it but he feels like home to me. But!! After sex he is up, dressed and out the door he goes. Every single time right after. Lately days days go by nothing. But when I text him mad tell him I am done here he comes all swag I melt like chocolate left in the hot sun. Then again. Now I am blocked have not seen him for a week. I went off and once again boom here he comes. Is he seeing other women,? Does he even care,?
Friday 31st of January 2025
@Geeee, probably seeing others. Been there.
Mabel's Blog
Sunday 28th of January 2024
Doesn't sound like he cares